
Ouiji board stories?

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Has anyone ever had any expiences?




  1. Yes, I am not religious but I know friends that have had and still have haunted houses because of it.

  2. ok so me and my friend used to play ouiji pretty much everytime we saw each other. even though we both believed that we unconsiously moved the thingy it was still fun. one day she asked the board when she was going to die it said two weeks. after that she clamed to see ghosts in her house. Not being a superstiious person at all, she went mad. two weeks later we burnt the game board, heard a terrible loud scream and my friend sarah droped dead. at her funeral i went up to her room because her mother wanted to see one of her belongings, the ouiji board was on her bed. of course her mother new about the story of the ouji board. after a called her upstairs she looked at the board and turned it over. on the bottom it had sarahs blood(we did a dna check) and it said i will kill her family also. the next day, sarahs mother died. the day after that her father died with his dog on a walk. her little sister jayme whent to a foster home were the head persons name was ohuegina (much like ouji) after being there for two weeks and 3 days the ohugina killed her in her sleep. dont ever play this game.

  3. its a toy

  4. Oh I like this question. :]

    Ive played the ouiji board many times. I never really believed all the hype about it or that u could rly talk to dead people. i just did it for the fun.

    one night [ill admit we were drinking] myself and about four other friends decided to play the game. it was maybe 1 am or so. everyone believed in it but me so they would get excited everytime it moved. they were asking it some questions and then asked it to flicker a light to prove it was there. and guess wut hppned? the d**n light flickered. but it was just a coincidence i told myself. then they told the board to make the room pitch black. all of the candles and the dim light-went out. by now, i was sick of the game and actually gettin scared.

    we thew out the board in the dumpster. the next morning it was in my friends bedroom. scary as ****. dont kno wut hppned there, but im never touching one again.

  5. My workmate says her friend had one, used it for a while, and when things started happening she threw it in the fire and heard a deafening scream!

    Keep in mind that they are quite agnostic, my workmate and her friend. There is an undeniable supernatural property to those things. The spirits behind these phenomenons, though, won't react if the people participating are simple-minded. There isn't a mind to mess with there, so some people don't experience anything from them and think that they're just "toys."

    I was surprised to learn that it is a relatively young item, created in America at the turn of the century (last century). Most supernatural objects are really, really old and usually come from Romania or Bolivia.

  6. oh,oh!I have!

    One time, I asked an Ouji board if I was gonna die soon, and it said yes.O.O

    of course, that was a few years ago.

    And i the girls locker room at school last week, I asked if "it" was there,it said yes, I asked for a sign, and the showers came on by themselves.

  7. well actually we dont use the ouija board or spirit of the glass because they said that the spirit thats inside there is so powerful, and we dont want it so we use spirit of the coin. its just the same but we use coin and a piece of paper. we did that in our school where they said that there are lot of ghost. based on my experience the coin really moves.and i dont believe that my friend just move the coin. i asked when was my classmate die. the spirit answered after 2 weeks. then that day past but he is still alive. and we ask again but he answered some past date. so i think its really true that the spirit moved the coin but the answers are all incorrect.

  8. somebody once told me they burn their's and they heard screaming like come from the board.

  9. I have never had the experience but it is not a game or something to take lightly. The game uses demonic forcses and as such should be avoided as the demons can and will cause serious damage to you and players who uses the board.

    Read upsome more on it if needs be.

  10. hahaha i liked reading these answers..and wtf is a ohuegina?? Totally BS story there, but well thought up.  I've played this once before waaaaaaaaay back in maybe 94 or so.  Thing said I was going to die from being shot in the foot.  Not sure if that's true or not because I haven't been shot in the foot (yet).  In short, I think it's just a game, but subconsciously, I'm not taking my chances!  I'll sit back and let others take the heat.  Somewhere inside I still believe it's "haunted" and I'm not willing to take that chance.  I'll admit, I'm not so fond of the supernatural experiences.  Been there done that.
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