
Ouijia board please help?

by  |  earlier

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i played with the board with three of my friends we asked it a few ?s and it would move and none of us were moving it. it was all fun until we asked of it would turn of the tv that was on a blue no signal screen it moved to yes and we asked it a nother ? when tv went off we started crying and screaming this was a board made from our wiccan friend it was not a parker bro board we all sprinkeld our selves with salt and still have the board in our room we think the spirit was a grate grandmother of the ? asker please help us PS we r playing tommarow with our wiccan friend to find out who the spirit was




  1. you honestly should get rid of it right away. I don't believe in them being "magical", but even still, it's not wise to be messing with it. I did one once, but it was always one of us moving the k**b thing.

  2. Whatever you do, don't burn it O_O

    It'll be h**l if you do.

  3. Hey you kinda posted this question where I had my question about kitty milk lol.

    Anyway, first, just calm down. The worst thing you can do is panic in any situation.

    Remember that you don't know who you are messing with when a spirit answers you when you use a board. So it's unlikely that it's your grandmother.

    This spirit will stay at that house. If anything weird or unexplainable has happened since you left your friends house just keep an eye out. Pray for protection and tell it to leave. But be careful.

    Goodluck to you.

    If you have further troubles you might want to ask a professional.  ( I'm saying this without sounding crazy)

  4. I heard to clear a Ouiji board that has bad spirits, you are to flip it over and knock on it 3 times.

  5. Those things are dangerous. Burn it.

  6. The best help I can offer you is to tell you DONT MESS WITH IT YOU FOOLS!!!!!!!!!

    You Have Been Warned.

  7. Wow creapy :(     You have me spooked. I wouldn't go near it again !! You're a lot braver than me!!

  8. woa! that is freaky deaky man!!! that happend to me yesterday with my board! myne glows in the dark so we played in complete darkness and we were asking ?s and when we asked if we would die in a week it said yes! so, i'm totally freaked and just so you know, this is my last week of the begginig of my life!! that made no sence. you'r board is probably mad at you, so make it happy. intil you do, it will walk around at night and on the 5 week it will kill you, so herry up!!

                        p.s.   i feel yo pain!!

  9. i doubt it was the grandmother... you shouldnt play with things you dont understand. surround yourself with white light before

  10. Hi, I also played ouija board a few months back with my cousins. i dint believe it first as i thot someone among us wud be moving it but then we all sweared that we weren't, so... We asked a few Qs abt our future n wud give answers 2...but later on we became scared...n i dont play it now at all.

    It neednot be the spirit of any one u know, it can be the spirit of some stranger...moslty. There is goodbye written on the board rite? make sure that the spirit answers that we can be sure that it is gone...

    n please dont try it again..coz all those r weird things n abt spirits n all....we really dunno wht's the logic behind it...n it can be dangerous n we cant guess wht things wud happen n all...

    throw off the board  n pls dont play wid it again n discourage others from playing wid it...

  11. When you play with ouijia boards, you are opening your door up to anyone.  Would you blindfold yourself, open your front door..and invite anyone do what they want in your house??  Probably not.  I definately believe in spirits and there are better ways to contact the spirits of the ones you love than through playing with those boards.  If someone's great-grandmother wants to contact them, they should just think of them and be open to the thoughts they receive.  They will either get an immediate thought..or dream of them later.  I will warn you again against those boards...when you invite something may not want to leave.  If you do want to continue using the board, ask for divine protection, surround yourself by white light of higher beings and demand that no spirit with evil intention will be allowed to interact with you.  If you want to play in the spirit world, learn some of the rules first.  If your friend is actually knowlegable in Wicca, they should know.  Don't trust someone who is just learning or playing around.  The spirit world is alive and well out there, and you can get half scared to death by those...unruly spirits who you invite in.  Be careful!!

  12. First of all, I wasn't sure if I should answer this question, I can't quite tell if you were bothered by the events you witnessed or not.  And I am sure there are many views about this.  However, I can tell you the truth about ouija boards.  These boards are controlled by wicked spirits actually.  The ouija board is part of spiritism, which the bible clearly identifies as Satan & his demons being part of.  You really should stop playing with this board.  You are not dealing with an innocent lost loved one, but with strong, evil spirits, that you will be sorry you invited into your home.  I can't tell you enough that you shouldn't keep doing this, you are inviting trouble.  And for those that never believed in a spirit being...your story tells all.  How do you think the TV turned off?  And the piece moved across the board?  It's powerful spirits.  I have studied the bible for years, and have no doubt that this is something you should not use.  It is no joke.

  13. *rolls eyes*

    It's hysteria. You've convinced yourself that something exists when there really is nothing.

  14. So, what's the actual question here? I also had a spooky experience with one of these when I was 15. I haven't played it since. You need to be careful because there is definitely something going on with that...

  15. What you have done is created a portal through which the spirits can enter our realm. Your only hope is to shove the board up your gulible butt as that is the only barrier that will keep the spirits at bay.

    WARNING!!!! This can create terrible gas so have a good supply of beano on hand.

  16. Okay ummm

    Just... go somewhere else,

    I have a board and it didn't work, or well, no, it didn't work

    I just wouldn't worry about it.  If great grandma does come after you than you can blame it on the board

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