
Ouijia board with no goodbye?

by  |  earlier

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we played an ouijia board asked it a few ?s and asked it to turn off the tv if there was a spirt every time we asked the glass would move ON ITS OWN this was a homemade board not parker bro it has no goodbye so it turned of the tv we started screaming (there were 4 of us) and we turned on the lights after we spelled out goodbye wilkl this work will e be haunted ps the spirt is belivied to be one of our grandmothers please answer this is not a lie and we r scared




  1. I've answered the first Q u asked abt ouija board. Now see, how much probs u hav created coz of this game, n it is not a game for fun, it is dangerous. You cant be sure that it is the spirit of ur grandmother or so....may be of some stranger, even if it doesn't help. n i hope u r not keeping the board wid u now 2....throw it off, burn it...i think u wud hav understood now that's it's not a game for fun or so, it is dangerous, n all sorts of things can happen...n that's y ppl say to stay out of this game...dont panic now...just dont repeat this...Make it 2 go to each letters of goodbye (g o o d b y e), then if the glass does not move, it cud be gone....u cant do nothing abt it now...hope that everything will be ok, n pray 2 god so.......n never even think of playing wid it again.

  2. First of all, I wasn't sure if I should answer this question, I can't quite tell if you were bothered by the events you witnessed or not. And I am sure there are many views about this. However, I can tell you the truth about ouija boards. These boards are controlled by wicked spirits actually. The ouija board is part of spiritism, which the bible clearly identifies as Satan & his demons being part of. You really should stop playing with this board. You are not dealing with an innocent lost loved one, but with strong, evil spirits, that you will be sorry you invited into your home. I can't tell you enough that you shouldn't keep doing this, you are inviting trouble. And for those that never believed in a spirit being...your story tells all. How do you think the TV turned off? And the piece moved across the board? It's powerful spirits. I have studied the bible for years, and have no doubt that this is something you should not use. It is no joke.

    It looks like you posted this question twice.  Here is my answer from the first one.  ***And you should be scared, stop messing with that board.  It is NO grandmother.

  3. uhm i think its true ...cause u shouldnt be messing around with spirits ...esp in ur own House !!!!

  4. First of all, don't mess with an oiuja board. If you really must do it, start off with a prayer of protection, or if you don't want to do that just imagine a white light surrounding you, White because white is pure and peace. After using the oija board, regardless if it has worked or not do the protection prayer again or the white light method!  ALWAYS, I can only stress this so much, but always always always! say goodbye!  If you don't say goodbye you are letting a spirit stay in your home (assuming you did it at home) The last thing you want is a spirit from another dimension living in your home!

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