
Our 10 year old is asking about Death.

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We are in our fifties and have and only child, who is 10, always happy, soft and sensitive. The other night he came into our bedroom sobbing heavily and said "I don't believe in wishes, I wished at Xmas that we could all stay the same age, now we are getting older and you and mum are going to die and leave me all alone, I don't want you to die, what happens when you die, will I ever see you again. he continued to sob uncontrollably, until I cradeld him to sleep. Since the event my heart has been very heavy and I have been very melancholy, I can't look at him without wanting to cry, I think it is worse because of him being an only child. Has anyone experienced similiar ?. I'm hoping to get some advice on moving away or coping with the way I feel. Regards and Thanks.




  1. well heres what my parents told me when i cried "brittany, when we die you will be married with kids and we would never leave you alone. after you die you will go to heaven and we will be together forever and ever and it will never end." scince then whenver i think about it it just gives me a great feeling of power and protection

  2. thats deep man. im sorry but im only 12 so i dont know if i can help you.  very sorry  :(

  3. I think it is pretty normal for all kids to worry about death.  It is a fear of the unknown.  I have handled this by letting my children know exactly what would happen to them, if something happens to me.  I gave my oldest a choice of who she would want to live with (luckily she chose the same person I did) so she knows she will be ok.  He is 10 so I think you should tell him that everyone dies sometims, but that you don't have any plans on dying for quite some time.  Then say "If I were to die, who would you want to take care of you" and come to some conclusion with him so that he doesn't have to be afraid.  Of course, he will still worry, but he won't have to be afraid that he will be all alone.  

  4. That's normal. =]

  5. Most of the time I have the same thoughts about losing my parents and I do get sad and sometimes I cry but I never say anything to my parents.  I also had a good understanding about death when I was little because my grandpa passed away when I was 7 and we were close.  When my dad told me the news I aready knew what death was and I didn't took the news very well.  I told my dad that he was lying and to tell me that he was not dead.

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