
Our 16 month old daughter has been diagnosed as having hypermobility disorder.?

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do you have any personal knowledge of this problem. can you give us any tips? we have read all we can about it in the net but you cant beat personal experiance




  1. I'm 29 years old, and i was diagnosed early teenage years. It's a difficult one in a child so young. In me some of my joints are very stiff and sore while others dislocate easily, due to shallow socket e.g. hips. Keep her active during the day, but realise she may need to rest too and each evening give her a little massage, be gentle she'll really enjoy it.

  2. i have hypermobility syndrome. I was only diagnosed a couple of months ago but i have always knowniv had it. The reason i wentto the GP about it was because i began to suffer serious stiffness and joint pain in most of my joints. I am 28 this year but i feel like im about 70 sometimes. I was transfered to a rhumatologist and to be honest i found their information useless.

    Obviously your little girl is still very young, she shouldnt havent any problems with this at all, fingers crossed. The good thing is she will always be aware that she has it so will need to keep weight down and keepactive. She may be able to use it to her advantage ie gymnastics.

    I hope this helps, good luck!!


    you might be able to find some help or people to talk to @ this website,good luck!

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