
Our 2 years old male cat won't stop urinating on everything, everywhere!!?

by Guest21539  |  earlier

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Please help, we have tried everything!

We have a 2 years old male cat and since we got him, even if he uses his litter for number two and occasionally to urinate, he has urinated on everything around the house (Leather armchairs, beds, sofas, clothes, floors, hidden corners and everything he can get his paws on...) and is starting to become unbearable.

We have tried everything possible to avoid it: he's fixed since he was 6 months old, the litter box is cleaned almost daily, we have tried several types of litter, we have moved the litter box in different places, we have used Feliway for several months and we have tried telling him off when he was doing so.


Please, can anybody help us out? We're running out of options.




  1. he is marking his turf.

    you should have had him fixed 18 months ago. you can still do it, which will reduce the tendency, but probably not stop it entirely.

  2. Although he is young, it is possible that there is some type of physical problem causing him to urinate outside the litter box, and he should be checked by a vet.

    Also, if you have more than one cat in the house, the recommended number of litter boxes is # of cats + 1.

  3. Has a vet ruled out illness such as a urinary or bladder infection?  You mention that the litter box is cleaned almost daily and perhaps that's not often enough for his liking.  Many cats dislike standing in litter if it's even slightly dirty.  Have you tried cleaning it more often to see if that makes a difference?   Some cats also won't use the same litter box for peeing and pooing, so try providing a second box to see if that solves the problem.

    The web site below has a check list of 18 reasons why cats stop using their litter box, with advice on how to solve the problem.

    Hope this helps.

  4. I would like to know the answer myself.  I have a similar situation but my male cat only urinates on things if I am gone.  I have a golden retriever that pretty much raised him from a kitten so I have concluded it is a jealousy issue.  My cat and dog love each other dearly and honestly that is the only reason I still have the cat.  The only answer I have come up with is that I lock him in the bathroom when I leave the house now.  His litter box and food/water are in there anyhow.  It's a decent size bathroom and he is trained to go in it now when I say "let's go!".  He has never fought me on going in there so I suppose he doesn't mind it too much.  I don't know if this situation would work for you or not but I thought I would mention it.

  5. The first thing is to get him to the vet to rule out an illness.  Cats can develop urinary tract infections, or crystals in their urine.  Both of these make it very painful for the cat to pee, so they associate the pain with the litter box and go in inappropriate places.  The vet will take a urine sample, and look for bacteria and crystals, and will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic, and perhaps a special diet if crystals are present.  It's the biggest reason for litter box issues other than a dirty box.

    In the meantime, clean his box daily or more often, and provide the second box.  Some cats require two boxes - one for pee and one for poo.  If the box has a cover, remove it.  Cats have very sensitive noses and some of them find the smell inside a covered box very offensive.

    Good luck - he's sending you a message by going out of the box, but it isn't always the easiest thing to figure out what it is.  

  6. go to the vets and ask them.the only reason i can think of is if his spaying went wrong that is what happened with my friends cat.

  7. I just took my cat to the vet for this about a week ago.  He has a uniary tract infection.  He started peeing on my bed and was doing it almost every other day he was also spraying.  My vet  said that since my cat is an indoor cat only that outdoor cats will irritate him and cause him to spray.  My cat is also neutered.  If your cat is doing his business on a horizontal surface it is spraying. My vet said that there are behavior medications you can give a cat to stop spraying.  They also said that cats do not like lemon smell so to clean areas with something lemon scented.  As well as cats do not like aluminum foil so put aluminum foil in areas (where possible) so when they jump on it they will get right back down. There is also something that you can buy that attracts them to the litter box its called cat attract.

    I lined my bed with trash bags under my sheets to save my mattress but with his medications it has almost stopped now and we still have a week worth of medication to go.

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