
Our 8 week kitten wont drink any water what should i do...

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i have been told not to give her any cows milk....yet she wont drink any water we are on day 2 she hasnt drunk any fluids. i did give her like a teaspoon on cows milk in which she took some sips not even noticable from the amount given....what should i do is this normal she is new in our home is this nerves please advise




  1. If you are feeding canned foods, this is normal and fine. cats are not normally big drinkers and are suppose to get their needs from their food/prey. Canned foods provide that. Dry foods on the other hand dehydrates and forces cats to drink water. The problem is cats cannot drink enough to make up for the lack of water in dry foods. That's why cats get crystals get blocked, constipation among other things

    Best of luck

  2. My cat never drinks water or milk,

    I spoke to my vet about it and he said its fine because he eats grass and lets fluids that way [:


  3. try her with this recipe.

    Here is a recipe

    that has proved successful:

    1/2 cup of evaporated milk

    1/2 cup of water

    1/10 cup of single cream

    2 drops of water soluble vitamins

    This is a stock supply and should be kept in

    the refrigerator; warm any portion you feed

    to the kittens. If you use a commercial

    preparation, follow the directions of

    the manufacturer. Clean and sterilize all

    utensils and bottles after each


  4. You have to carefully monitor how long this goes on for, your vet can inject a fluid bubble under the kitten's skin if it is dehydrated.

    However your kitten is refusing water and that could indicate illness, plus dehydration is dangerous for kitty!

  5. My kitten didn't drink any water for the first couple of days because he was so scared. If you're kitten is acting scared or nervous I would stress. She's probably just nervous and will drink when she's ready. Make sure the water is in an obvious place where the kitten can easily see and access it. If it lasts more than 3 days, I'd call the vet.

  6. Go to a vet asap

  7. I think the most important thing to do is relax - cats can sense if we're stressed and it stresses them out.

    Cats can get most of their fluids from canned foods - pouches typically have even more moisture in them but aren't always the best value for your money.

    The healthier the food is that you feed your cat, the better.  We can certainly make recommendations if you're interested.

    My cat never drank much water from her bowl but drinks a fair amount from the water fountain I bought.  It takes a good 15 minutes once a week to clean it but it helps to keep my cats well-hydrated.  Drinkwell Platinum is the one I bought and it has worked great.

    Good luck!

  8. Easy for me to say but don't worry, does she have a litter tray? If so put her water beside it as the litter tray will be her 'home'. Cats are very astute, she wont dehydrate. If she is particularly nervous keep her with you as much as you can, like a baby. She will naturally find her independance. Cats taken too soon from the mother can cause nervous tendancies that they grow out of in a few months. Hope I have helped :)

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