
Our Economy...?

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I am 13 years of age and im wondering

why is our economy like this

i hate having to worry about wether or not our house is going to t get tooken away ...

or we'll have enough money for groceries for the week

and im stuck wondering would our economy be like this if we wouldnt have chose bush for our president

if it werent for him in my opinion we wouldnt be like this

it seems like rich is only getting richer

and the "middle class people" are only getting poorer.

Please give me YOUR opinion on this.




  1. The economy is not nearly as bad as the news media would like you to believe. It's been much worse than today just as recently as the recession of the early 90's when the construction business completely died in this country.

    The thing to remember is the economy goes up and down. There is nothing new here,and the sky is not falling.

    But, even if the economy were as bad as you would believe, how exactly would that be Bush's fault?? The president just doesn't have that kind of power.

  2. At 13 and really interested to know the Economy of your country and question the result is a very good sign that there will be a turnover in near future.  But you need millions of your same thought to move the country out of the present situation that was caused at least 60 years ago.

    Open up your thinking and look at the world and search for those poor, small, 3rd world countries and study their development and process to reach a 1st world economy within 50 yrs.  Compare it to your country, US and see what went wrong from history to current situation.  Take for example:

    a big country like China which struggle for the last 50 yrs with learning and forced out development and look now ---a fear factor for US, EU & Japan.

    a small country like Singapore, which also started with nothing, no money, no product, no hinderland, just with a million plus in population and need to struggle for every inch of development and learnt & be cheated to make progress till the present moment ---an effort of 43 yrs, celebrating the National Day on 9/8/08 as a 1st world country.  It will be telecast live on CNA &/or on the Website.

    Read more of such countries and learn up your skill to help change your country in the next 20 yrs or else you will be behind the countries of the EAST.

    Good Luck & Learn Fast ---- Not much time.

  3. There are many reasons for a failing economy, but those who cannot face the truth and put the blame where it belongs are trying to tell you that we are doing fine.  Bush lies, and they swear to it!  The "buck stops" in the Oval Office, where the war-profiteers  meet and make decisions, and I'm talking about Bush, Cheney and Rove (who no longer works there).    If you ask the people who have lost their jobs to "corporate flight" to countries with cheap labor, or those who have faced foreclosure of their homes, they will tell you the economy is not "fine".  The Iraq war has put us into a financial hole that will take generations to repay to China.  Thousands of people have died or been injured...things are not status-quo with them, either.  We are in trouble and need some BRAINS in our leader.  I hope the man we have chosen, Senator Obama, will help us clean up these messes and regain the trust and admiration we once had with the rest of the world!

  4. Sad to hear that.

    Its a simple problem of government getting involved in the "free market" how they should not.

    Instead of letting people work and rent, or buy (depending on each persons preference), government said they want everyone to buy homes, even if they cant really afford them.

    Some people plan on staying in the same place for 25 years. Some plan on staying somewhere for a few months. Perhaps they are thinking of moving, or staying. The renter rents short term, the home buyer buys, and lives there longterm. Both rent, or buy, hold different fees, different costs.

    Government involvement overlooks those 2 conditions (natrurally as it cannot recognize the complexeties of each unique family), and said "give out loans easier for people who want to buy, even if they cant pay the monthly bill of paying it back".

    Well, this happened. Alot of people who would normally be renting homes, got convinced they should borrow the extra money and own the home. When those people wanted to move, or couldnt pay the loan back, or wanted to sell, or had unexpected bills, the market became flooded with "homes to own", thus driving down home values. At the same time, increasint rarity of rental homes, and driving up the price to rent.

    This should make clear that supply and demand exists, and that when government gets involved in the free market, it messes it up. Natural supply and demand would have kept the proper rent property vs own property balance.

  5. Dear Little Rebecca,

                                         It's good to see that you care about your current economy rights as this age. I see that this may change this year through the election year with Obama or the first lady Hillary Clinton. I hope for your sake as well as other's like your parent/ parent's that the new President take a good look at the Economy Situation on how to better your lives, instead of destroy it. Their job is to take care of their people,(physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and spiritually). I beleieve that through the economy "they can use it or abuse it", and forget their true pupose of it. This economy is set to care for little people like you, being our next future candidates. One day you could be the new President of America and through your experiences from here on in you can change the way they spend the Countries money. Good Luck Rebecca, this world needs more people like you in it.

  6. government assisstance programs are great but they are killing our country.  we have almost as many people that are collecting some sort of government hand out than there are people working.  that free money comes from somewhere and its the reason taxes are so high.  the middle class carries the burden of feeling the sting of our paychecks getting taxed so much.  then people vote in a man like obama that wants to increase those government handouts.  you cant fix a problem by throwing money at it and you cant convince someone to get out and find a better paying job so they can support their families when your giving them money for nothing.

  7. Little lady, I'm sorry to say that the president has very little influence on the health of our ecomony.  People love to blame the president for the ups and downs of life, mostly motived by political agendas.  This is characteristic of both sides of the political spectrum.
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