
Our First Lady - she has done many good things for women in Egypt don't you think?

by Guest62701  |  earlier

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I just read a funny question on here about 'intelligence' questions please do NOT for one second imagine that this is an 'intelligence' question!!

I simply feel that laws have been passed etc and quite a lot of progress has been made fo women and children. I am curious to know if anyone appreciates what she does or are all the feelings negative?




  1. I feel neutral for what the First Lady did.

    By the way, in my openion the first lady is Mrs. Fifi Abdo :D

  2. mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sozannnnn i lover her 2ad el ba7r she is the biggest mother everrrr :)


    xcuse me ya gama3a el BOX mestaneeny barra..

    c u all there

  4. i don't trust or appreciate any work from Mubarak regime or family ,because their works is accompanied by bad intent

  5. @i m not perfect: me 2 lol

  6. i agree vwith you but where is first gentel man to search for our rights as a men?

  7. honestly, NO ,i don't think


    ok ... i like what she did for children ..and the overspreading libraries..really

    but for

    i don't like her bsra7a

    p.s. eb2o t3alo zorrony be 3eish w 7alawa b2a :(



    @ Metalhead chick

    mar7ab ya zomol .... nyahahaha :D

  8. Ok, if she changes her Wig, I would be really glad!

    El barooka dih bgad bsh3a b2lha bta3 40 sana mtsh3l2a fi 2faha mn sa3t ma 2twaladt i.e: mn 15 sana :-P

    Well, She is an Owl, i bet when she visits the orphanage, the children are taught to sing for her :-P

    No, I basically dont, ok, libraries, lots of orphanages but yeah she is an owl, god save us from her you know who,, mr...... :-S

    see u soon ya noha :-D

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