
Our Heavenly Father says that He will have mercy and compassion on who HE wants to have ?

by Guest34478  |  earlier

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mercy and compassion on. Shouldn't ones who claim they have the one true religion stop passing judgment on others as being doomed for destruction due to this statement from God? They have no clue who God will choose to have Mercy and Compassion on. They need to stop trying to do the job as Judge of all.




  1. All religions were created by Man.  God said come together not form hundreds of different religions then judge others and kill in his name.  However, there are consequences to everything and God will not forgive blaspheming.     God will have mercy on those that try to live a life according to what he says not what religions say.     One that has God in their life and heart...

  2. Did you ever come to think that we might not be judging you? Most of us only try to help people like you see the real truth... but then again you're right. Some so-called christians do judge the sinners, not because they're doing so on purpose, but because they want for you to see what you're doing wrong. With some people, it takes the harshness of their sins to bring them to reality. God bless you!!!!

  3. wow he is such a picky type and not compassionate to everyone.  

  4. YES! Absolutely right. Man has absolutely no grounds from which to pronounce a verdict or judgment on any other man. They can pass the message along, iff they are called to do so. But they can not rightly pronounce it themselves.

    The problem is that many who have not a first clue about the Truth bring the Truth into disrepute because of their inability to understand and walk in step with the Spirit.

  5.'s all a bunch of hooey!!

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