
Our Holly Prophet (SAW) used to do his work by himself? why we have left this suannah?

by  |  earlier

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who are the lucky one who act upon this sunnah and do their work by themselves. (specially work at home,)





    you notice that no men have answered this yet, although i get the sense that the question is very obviously meant for them ^^

    when the example and teachings of the prophet are conveniently 'ignored' it's usually due to ego and stubborn cultural traditions

  2. Yes, we men should follow the best example of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) in helping our women... then our women would start sleeping more and spending their time in useless. So they must also follow the best examples of Fatima (R.A) or Aysha (R.A) who did all their works alone themselves and spend the rest of times in remembrance of Allah and doing good deeds for hereafter. For a woman like Fatima (R.A), Allah will give a man like Ali (R.A).. In anyway we all have best example in the ways of Prophet (pbuh) and his companions (R.A).

  3. ?? do you mean "holy"?  I have no idea what you are asking.

  4. not only this,he used to help his wives around the house.

    many muslim men now think it's a women thing and refuse to help their wives claiming it's ''thier job''

  5. Do you do that?

    I mean being a men in the house would you mend your shoes and/or clothes? offese but Prophet(sawaw) did that!

    thats very difficult, isn't that?

    I do all my jobs myself and others' too. Not though I can't wear clothes that are mend, or shoes either!

    What am I, am I superior than the slaves of Prophet(sawaw)...that I can't d that?

    But again I am weak and bad, I can't mend cothes to use or shoes, or can't sleep on every kind of floor!

    what a great life we would be having if were raised in that Time!


    then I think you are a good blessing of God for your family!

  6. I am a muslim so i follow prophet muhammed[SAW]'s sunnah as much as i can!its badly wrong that some people dont but they must!

  7. I do all the work at home! I'm super woman! ;p


    Situations arised thus been off here

  8. me, im 11 years old, n i do everyth moms asking me to do n not to do :)

  9. Men are egoistic and consider that their honour will get flushed in closet if they help in household activities...Sad and pity..

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