
Our Neighbors have lots of cats, and they always p**p in our garden. Water and moth balls are not working.?

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We have a tall wooden fence though they easily jump over it all the time. It would be hard to ask them to make the cats stop pooping in our yard because they have many and they all roam around freely at night.




  1. Take some netting or chicken wire or other open weave wire and bury just under the surface.

    They will dig... catch on the wire and THEN GO SOMEWHER ELSE!!!

    MAKE A CAT DO ANYTHING???? I think NOT!  

    You can't make a cat do anything it does not want to do...

    So you have to make it so they DON'T WANT TO USE YOUR YARD as a sand box..

    You must have really nice dirt!

  2. Cat pee isn't acidic like a dog's, it won't harm the plants.  Cat p**p--that makes flowers grow better (my front flower garden is used by the neighborhood strays and it's growing up a storm).

    If you're talking about a vegetable garden, just use a trowel to remove any p**p and put that in the garbage.  The pee isn't a problem.  

    Really, you'd need to do this anyway if raccoons or possums were using your garden as well for their bathroom.  Or a wandering dog.

  3. Is it normally breezy around your yard? My grandfather would use re-bar to stake his tomatoes and other plants up, then take old soda cans and stick them upside down over the tops. Well the noise of the can rattling in the wind scarred the cats off and they stopped coming. Except for the one year that the cans were mainly silent. That year he had really BIG carrots.....

    Wind chimes might also help. Cats hate loud, unpredictable noises. Avoid Cow Bells and ceramic and high pitched tinkly chimes. Trust me, you have to like the sound to put up with it daily....

    You know, you could also get a dog. Just a thought.

  4. Sprinkle some ground cayenne pepper around anywhere you don't want them to go. They sniff and dig before deciding where to go,guaranteed they won't like it and it won't hurt them.

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