
Our Robo hamster had babies. I don't have a clue on how to take care of them!?

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I was told at the pet shop that they were 2 Robo hamster males. Imagine my surprise when I went to feed them tonight and found a nest of little pink naked babies! My question is, what do I do? I have no clue about taking care of newborn hamsters. Do I need to take the father out? If so, how do I tell which one is the father? Also, do I need to do anything different as far as how and what I feed them? I have been feeding the adults regular hamster food. How long should I keep the babies with their parents? Any details about taking care of Robo babies would be greatly appreciated even if it is info that I have not asked for. Thanks so much for your time!




  1. i hate when this happens.. just please go to this website and go to the hamster breeding link

    for some reason its not letting me put a adress so just go to


    .com  / viktoreeuhh

  2. let the babies feed off of their mohers milk for a few weeks then when they get bigger you can start to feed them real hamster food

  3. You leave the mother with the babies and you take the father out.  Just leave the nest alone.  And try not to disturb the nest of the mother will get stressed and she will kill, abandon, or even eat the babies!  Only disturb the nest to give them food and water.  And DO NOT TOUCH the babies.

    Here is how to tell which one is the father:

    Just scroll down to the part of the page where it shows the pictures and explains how to do it.  I hope this helps

  4. They can be weaned at 21 days... so i would take them away from the mother at about 22-23 days to be sure. It also says you should separate the male & femal babies at this time also. By this time, they should be nibbling at the adult hamster food.

    Also, you should take the father hamster out immediately. To avoid any fights/cannibalism.

  5. A lot of people have directed you to good websites already.

    Don't touch the babies until they have fur, the mother is young, she will be tempted to eat them, since hamsters rely on smell.

    The father is less likely to eat them than the mother, but he still needs to be removed.

    The bad part about having mis-sexed hamsters is that she is probably already pregnant again. Hamsters breed sometimes within minutes of birth, it's just how they work.

    The babies need to be separated by s*x no later than 8 weeks of age if you don't want more babies.

    You can determine gender by looking at their rear, the female will have holes so close together they look almost like a single hole.

    The male has about a fingertip's space between or more.

    To s*x them you can set them on a clear plastic or glass surface and look underneath, or try and pick them up by the scruff of their neck.

    Don't try to clean the cage for at least two weeks.

    This is important.

    It might stink and look messy, but the mom will take care of it. is a good resource.

    Good luck with the babies!

  6. Rawrr xxox <33, the mother will not eat them unless she thinks they are in danger or will not survive. I've had rats and hamsters and touched the babies their first day and not eaten. now about the hamsters... seperate the father and the mother, the mother will be nursing them. also, how long have you had them? because rodents gestation period is 2-3weeks. She will do all of the work just have fun watching them grow. just MAKE SURE YOU SEPERATE THE ONE WHO IS NOT NURSING THEM! if you don't, the father might eat them or the mother might if he is messing with the pups.

    don't worry, everything will be fine!

  7. Leave the mom with the baby and move the dad out because the dad with eat the babies! I can't remember all of what to do but it has happened to me!


  8. I had a hamster named Nutter Butter 2 years ago. When we bought her, we found out she was pregnant a few weeks later. We found several babies a few weeks later- To care for them, basically just let the mother do her thing. I reccomend getting one of those wooden box houses with the one hole.. there at the pet store. She will stash her babies in there, and just give her extra food and yummy treats! (like carrots and such.) When you clean the cage, just wait for the babies to grow up a bit- you can out them in a seperate cage when cleaning, or a box or something. But overall, the mother will take care of them the bext. Enjoy!!

  9. Checkout a book.  DONT TOUCH THEM WHEN THEY HAVE NO SKIN!!! The mother will eat them because they have the new scent.

    Dont even pay attention to any of the hamsters. The mother will get disturbed.

    The dad might eat the babies so take him out.

    The babies have to be sepreate at 5-7 weeks old or else they will fight.

    Dont let the babies breed eachother, thats called inbreeding and the babies will come out bad!

    Also the hamsters can fight to death

    You can keep them or sell them.

    The female might react more mean and thats how you can tell.

    The father has a private part too!

  10. the hamsters should do most of the work.  but look it up on google.

    never trust a petstoore when it comes to genders.  ask to look at them and make sure they're both the same gender.

    also,  how long ago did you get them?  maybe they're both girls and one got pregnant at the store.

    p.s. which ever one is feeding the babies is the mom (*DUH)  dont touch the babies or theyll be eaten

  11. what is a robo hampster?

  12. look up how to take care of robo hamster

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