
Our TV plays in color but when we try to play a CD it's in black and white. What do we do???

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Our TV plays in color but when we try to play a CD it's in black and white. What do we do???




  1. Assuming you mean DVD instead of CD (CD plays sound only, DVD plays sound and picture)

    It's all in the hook-em-up.

    Your DVD player has component video connections that may be labeled Y pB pR. Does your TV have these? The plugs will be red green and blue.

    If your TV is capable of component video, then you will need three cables, one for Y, one for pB and one for pR, just to see a color picture, and two more for sound.

    If your TV only has yellow/red/white, (yellow being the entire video, red being right channel audio and white being left channel audio) you will have to find the matching connections on your DVD player and use those.

    You will see black and white when you take the green from the DVD player and plug it into the yellow on the TV.


    Green (Y): Brightness and sinc information

    Red (pR): Red information

    Blue (pB): Blue information

    (there is no green information sent. it's calculated in the TV)

    Red: Right channel audio

    White: Left channel audio


    Yellow: The entire video signal

    Red: Right channel audio

    White: Left channel audio

    You've plugged your green from the DVD player into your yellow on your TV. Green only sends black and white and sinc information so you will only see black and white.

    There now, wasn't that simple? (just joking, it's anything but simple)

    Best of luck, and remember, nothing is broken, it's all in the hook-em-up.

    (I see you re-posted so I left the same answer there. Hope it's helpful!)

  2. CD are music only.  Do you mean DVD?  If so, is the DVD player connected to the TV with the correct cable?

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