
Our War? Explantion please?

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I am only 13, and i was wondering if anyone can explain to me in detail about our war. My 19 year old brother has told me in moderation, and i feel left out of the family conversation, plus, i want to know what is going on in the world. None of my friends know, they don't care.




  1. I would guess they are talking about the war on terrorism. This war got it's start with the iran hostage crisis, another blow came with the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beruit, hijacking of planes.ect. It wasn't untill 9/11 that we faced this war being waged against us. There is no doubt you are hearing that some people are for the war in Iraq and some are against the war. There are great arguments both ways on rather we did the right thing or if we are continuing to do the right thing. The most important things you can remember is war is terrible, both sides suffer, the common people suffer the most.

  2. I have a Grand Daughter your age and she cares also. That does not mean that I can truly explain it to her because war is so complex in it's nature that most adults don't understand it either. Most try to understand it by reading news accounts but that is only a very biased glimpse of what goes on in War. Those that have never been there can never truly understand the uglyness of it. War is not Pretty, it is not glorious it is very ugly!

    The War itself is not really the issue so much as what leads us or others into war. The major reasons for war throughout History have been:

    1. Political/Social Power!

    2. Greed Land or gold or other precious items

    3. Economic need--Food, Water resources such as oil and minerals

    4. Religious belief

    5. Security such as protecting ones self against other attackers. This can be following an attack or to prevent one.

    6. Sometimes punishment for crimes against Humanity or to prevent them from happening!

    Every war is different and few people agree on the cause at the time. only History brings out the real reasons.

    This war is no different as people have many views on the reason for it or if it is needed and many have changed their view over the last 5 years. So you see I can't give you a big picture of the war that everyone would agree with and to give you all the various view would take many books and i don't know them all and doubt that anyone else does either!

    War is always bad but sometimes needed and sometimes not. We should avoid war if we can but that is not always possible. One of the biggest problems of war is that many innocent people get hurt and killed along the way! Many lives are ruined!

    I hope that you will never have to see war up close and I hope that you will never have to see it on your Land. It is to terrible to explain as the words do not exist. I  have seen it and everytime I think back on it I want to cry! Best I can say is that it is Horrible. But even so for reasons that I can not explain to you here, I do support the war but hope it ends very soon! Others will disagree with me and that is their right and I respect that. We must always have respect for each others ideas and opinions. We don't have to agree but we should always respect. Perhaps if the world would remember that we would have far fewer wars to think about.

    As time goes on you will learn more about it and its causes but be sure to get different opinions because you will have to in the end form your own!

    Proud Vet

  3. I'll tell you this in a non-bias way

    Since the Persian Gulf War there has been speculation that Saddam Hussein was trying to posses the means necessary to produce Weapons of Mass Destruction.There was also proof that Saddam was killing his own citizens with chemical weapons and running a secret police that was taking away and killing citizens that were against him.

    In 1998, The Unites States along with England launched a 4 day bombing campaign due to Saddam Hussein's in compliance with the U.N.

    Bill Clinton also encouraged the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam themselves.He was even actually considering invading Iraq.

    The speculation then continued to grow further as British,Russian,and other intelligence sources began warning the United States that Iraq was attempting to posses the means necessary to create Weapons of Mass Destruction.The fact that Saddam Hussein would not allow U.N. weapons inspectors in Iraq added to the growing was also being widely speculated that Iraq was assisting Al Queda.

    Finally in 2002 President Bush requested an authorization to use military force against Iraq to disarm Saddam of any WMD's he might've had,to free the millions of people under capture in Iraq,and to stop Iraq from aiding Al Queda.The authorization was granted with a wide majority of Congress giving the President approval and this majority including a large number of democrats.The option to use military force could be used at any time and wasn't used right away.

    In 2003, President Bush gave Saddam Hussein and his sons 48 hours to leave Iraq or face the consequences.They did not leave so therefore we attacked.

    We took over Baghdad,"mission accomplished" and slowly overthrew Saddam Hussein's government.Months later we caught Saddam Hussein.

    Then we set up a temporary government there until we could organize elections so that the Iraq people could actually vote in their own leaders.This lead to a set up of an actual Democracy in Iraq and an organized government.

    We still haven't left Iraq because there is currently a civil war that is ongoing between Sunni and Shiite militants.Al Queda men in Iraq and Al Sadr forces are also attacking US troops.The risk of an Iranian takeover looms too.

    Violence was so high there that in 2007 President Bush implanted a surge in the number of U.S. troops.This decision was initially opposed by most democrats and widely believed to do no help.The results proved otherwise as violence has dropped drastically.Many cities that were once dangerous and violent are now accessible.

    I didn't go into nearly as much detail as I should've but I was lazy.

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