
Our Willow tree's leaves are truning yellow with brown spots?

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Leaves are turning yellow and have brown spots on them also the green leaves have the is only July and the leaves are falling off.....what is wrong tree is about 7 yrs old.




  1. In July?  Could be parasites.

  2. That may well be a fungal (or parasitical) infection


    Localized infections of leaves ("leafspots") on many trees are caused by a variety of fungi and some bacteria. Positive identification usually requires laboratory diagnosis.  

    Leafspot fungi infect leaves by spores which are dispersed by air currents or splashing rain. Infection usually requires moisture, such as dew, fog, or rain. Leafspots are more likely to occur on trees growing in shade, crowded together or in low spots or frost pockets. The foliage on such trees tends to remain wet longer following rain or dew.

  3. sometimes trees just die...period. If it doesn't get better then chop it down and plant a river birch. They look good plus they grow fast.

  4. That is usually a sign of parasites feeding on the tree. Call an expert on plants/trees and get a diagnosis for it, if they do find parasites, they will either treat it themselves or refer you to an exterminator.

  5. Not sure where you live or which willow species you have (there are about 400 species), but here's a Canadian Government resource on common diseases in willows:

  6. might be dieing if they r turning brown

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