
Our apartment burned down. We are homeless with our children. Who helps?Where to go? Please advise. Fire?

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13 days ago our apartment burned down. We paid rent 400 dollars. Now we can't afford more and the lowest rrents around here are 900 dollars. We are sleeping in the car today as the Red Cross can't help us anymore and the shelters here are full. My husband works and make 900 a month I am home with 3 and 1 year old. We lost everything and it wasn't our foult the fire. Where can we go for help? Any goverment or othe organization?

Thank you sooo much for advise. Carine




  1. Get yourself to any Salvation Army or St Vincent De Paul center and explain your situation. These organizations normally do have emergentcy housing or they can offer some assistance with food, clothes and blankets.

    Do they have a housing co-op's in the USA that offers government housing ?. If they do I'd get down there ASAP to see them as you may get a government house or even a full bond and a couple weeks rent for a apartment from them.

    I looked up on the net for homeless shelters and this link is US wide. I really understand your stress and situation if you were in Australia you would have been housed straight away.

    I'm suprised your real estate office where you pay your rent hasn't offered you any help being a tenant of theirs or offered you your rent and bond back to help you out. Knowing your current situation. I hope you get somewhere to sleep tonight rather than in the car. Good luck and keep your chins up !

  2. Check your local community services board, as well as The cities Human Resource Services. Check all the local charities and Church organizations. United way, Salvation army, and such.

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