
Our baby has a fever of 105.4 right now?

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We've called the doctor and are waiting for her to call back. We've given her motrin and are wondering if we should be doing anything to bring the fever down. I thought I'd jump on here and see if anyone had an answer becasue it will likely be another 15 minutes before the doctor bothers to call back.




  1. Take her into the ER your doctor will probably tell you the same thing cause that is a very high temp. That happend to my daughter last year her doctor called back and said go to the ER. They will want to know why the temp is so high. Good luck I hope everything turns out okay.

  2. dont wait, RUSH to the hospital, any higher and your kid is going to be brain damaged.

    give her a tepid bath and run her to the hospital ASAP

  3. Don't bother waiting for the dr. to call back, get to the ER right away. 105 isn't nothing to fiddle faddle with. My cousin, who at the time was about 7 or 8 had a fever of 103 and had a seizure.

    If you rather wait, give her a cool bath.  

  4. Uh, emergency room.

    While you're waiting, try a tepid bath (98.6 degrees)

  5. a cool bath

  6. If an infant's fever is higher than 101°F there is cause for concern. The danger zone for children three months of age and older is when a fever occurs in the 105°F-plus range

    Many parents fear that fevers will cause brain damage. Brain damage from a fever generally will not occur unless the fever is over 107.6°F (42°C). Many parents also fear that untreated fevers will keep going higher and higher. Untreated fevers caused by infection will seldom go over 105°F unless the child is overdressed or trapped in a hot place.

    I would go to the ER

  7. 105.4 is crazy high!  If your baby gets a fever above 103 degrees, you are supposed to take him/her to the ER.  Get moving!  

  8. Well, since youve given her motrin, Im assuming she is 6 months or older.  If shes not, I hope you meant that you gave her tylenol.  If she is older than 6 months, give her a dose of tylenol and motrin.  I was afraid to do this at first, but several doctors (my daughter got sick a LOT) told me that it was safe.  You will not overdose her because they are different.  Also, make sure she is in very light clothing, only a diaper would actually be best. I promise you that this will work, Ive done it several times with my daughter.

  9. hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. with a fever of 105.4 I wouldn't even wait for a doc to call back I would take her straight to the ER because if it remains this high for a long period of time it could cause brain damage...same with an adult only more dangerous for a child. Try putting her in a cool bath and placing a cool or cold washcloth on her forehead. DO NOT UNDRESS HER COMPLETELY! If she is naked (or even only a diaper on) she could catch the chills which is not good either. If doc doesn't call back in the next 5-10 mins I would say take her to the ER because Doctors don't ALWAYS call back when they say they will.

  11. my sons got up to 103.4 not too long ago.  the doctor told me as long as it didnt get to 108 seizures were not a concern.  The seizures are what can cause brain damage.  I personally would head to the ER with a baby with a temp at 105.  I was quit worried when his got to 103.4.  I think your baby will be ok but i wouldn't want to risk it getting any higher.  also you dont want to do anything to drop the temp quickly (cool baths, cool drinks, etc) the pharmacist told me that can cause the body to react and shoot the temp back up possibly higher. he told me to give room temp fluids.  anyway load that baby up in the car and head to the hospital.

  12. Emergency room right away!

  13. My friends baby is 8 weeks old and last week his fever was 101 and her doc  said to get him to the er and it ended up being a viral infection caused by being exposed to too many bacteria and germs. They kept him 48 hours and now he's home and ok

  14. wipe her down with cool not cold cloth. Do not give her a bath. it will cause chills. Give her cool liquids (cold breastmilk or formula or juice if you have started those)

    Depending on how long ago you gave motrim, you can alternate with tylenol.

    keep a close eye on it. any higher and go to ER

    How old is baby?

  15. ER now it can kill her

  16. I  would go to the emergency room. I wouldn't wait on the doctor.  The motrin should kick in soon, but you don't want to bring her temp down too quickly either because that could cause her to go into shock.  Just strip her down to her diaper.

  17. Umm my personal opinion would be to take her to the emergency room, because that is an awfully high fever.  Other remedies would take awhile to work.  Make sure her feet and head are uncovered, and I would NOT put her in a cool bath before you talk to the dr, because then it may give her a chill and cause her to spike instead of go down.

  18. dont flip out,  the doctor will tell you to take your baby in.  let him or her sit there in nothin but a diaper and even a cool cloth will help.  go ahead and get ready to go cause you will be goin.  but if you stress so does your baby

  19. With that temperature that high, the baby could go into convulvsions.  Get the ER right away.

  20. put a cold damp wash cloth on its forehead  

  21. Hospital?



  23. I would go to emerg right away.  If the motrin hasnt worked, depending on when you gave it then you definitely need to seek medical intervention.  

    Good luck, hope the baby feels better.

  24. If my baby had a fever ot 105 I would be on my way to urgent care.  forget waiting for someone to call

  25. Honestly a 105.4 fever is dangerously high...waiting on the doctor to call back isn't neccessarily a gret idea as the doctor will most likely refer you to an urgent care/er facility.  If it were my I would go ahead and load her in the car and take her to your closest e/r.  

    How old is she btw?

  26. ER asap... that is a HIGH fever... your baby could get brain damage if the fever is too high for too long.. go in now. dont wait for the dr to call back.

    what could it hurt.... you should go to the ER as soon as you can.

    that is VERY high for just a baby.


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