
Our baby who we are adopting from Guat. is on Nan-1. In the US I can only find NAN. What is the difference?

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Our baby who we are adopting from Guat. is on Nan-1. In the US I can only find NAN. What is the difference?




  1. There may or may not be any difference at all. Unless it is something special (i.e. soy, lactosr-free, etc.) then probably the only important difference might be taste. Take some of what you will be feeding with you (not necessarily NAN, something with DHA is good) and then start mixing them. You should be able to buy some Nan-1 in Guatemala to ease the transition. Or there might be no problem at all. Just depends on the child. It might be hard to tell if the child likes the formular or not, because he/she might not eat because they are traumatized or grieving. Or they might want to do nothing but eat. You will need to play everything by ear and just roll with it, but the formula thing should be okay.

    Best wishes!

  2. 'What's the difference?' Indeed.

    You'll be ripping that child away from his country, people, his life.  What difference does the brand of formula really make?!

    How people can spend 20-50K to take babies away from everything they know and ARE is beyond my comprehension.

    Why not just give your $$$ to his mother instead.

  3. I'm not a parent, just an aunt many times over, but I'm totally impressed that you all know that NAN is formula!  I had no idea.  I'd guessed it was a medicine.  :)

    Since it is a formula, you really don't need to worry about it yet, but, it is good to prepare.  Be ready for the fact that your baby might have a hard time switching if the taste is different.

  4. i am not sure you should prob ask a pediatrician and see what the difference is and if it is safe to give nan to him or not good luck and congrats

  5. Friends of ours just recently adopted from Guatemala and I understand that the child is on regular formula here.  I know that many of the Guatemala adoptions have been delayed.  Have you received your travel orders yet?  If not, I would not be overly concerned about the formula yet as it may not be as much of an issue when you bring the child home.  Our friends' daughter was on formula only when they traveled to bring her home.  Once home though because of her age, they started her on cheerios and juice along with some baby food.  So it is possible that the same situation may occur for you.

    Congrats on your adoption.  Hope you receive your travel documents soon!

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