
Our boxer ate a little bit of soft wall plaster...probably about a spoonful. Is this dangerous in small doses?

by  |  earlier

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A follow up to has been a few days now since she ate the plaster/spackle. I did some research into the issue and found some other dogs that has eaten plaster and were fine. This website lists it as a non-toxic item to dogs:

She ended up being fine. She was lethargic for a day or two, but now she is back to herself again....which is being crazy. I also learned that you can burn toast and give it to your dog as activated charcoal to absorb case someone else out there runs into this.

Thanks to all for your concern & advice.




  1. uhmm im not sure if its dangerous cause my dog eats dry wall.


    if you are even a little worried i would say call your vet

  2. You need to call the vet immediately!!  What if this is a serious issue and by waiting you are killing your dog?!  Please call now!  If it is not a big deal they will tell you.  Also, check the box/bucket/whatever it comes in to see what the warnings are.

  3. i would advise you to contact your vet immediately. you don'thave to pay for a phone and they would advise you what to do.

    Please call NOW.

  4. How old is the Boxer? Read the warning on the plaster bucket and follow their guidelines for first aid if ingested. A call to your vet would be the quickest help.

  5. call your vet right away and get the correct answer don't wait one more minute

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