
Our boxwood shrubs get brown dead spots, we trim them, then another section does the same thing till it dies?

by  |  earlier

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it gets so bad that sometimes the shrub completely dies and has to be

pulled up and replaced. these shrubs are 5 to 6 years old. someone

told us it is either spiders(which we don't see) or a root disease.

any suggestions?




  1. Could be a root disease and if this is the case you may have to treat before you plant another in the same position.

    The biggest cause of this in my garden is dogious peeious (dogs wetting on the bushes).  Box hate it and it kills patches and if they keep doing it all the time it can kill the bush.

    My solution for the end plants of my hedge was to put a post, rock or another tougher plant on the end so they wet that and not the hedge.  

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