
Our car sometimes won't start when we go to start it although we just got a new battery and starter 10 points.

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sometimes my father drives somewhere, then when we go to leave the car will not start. He just got a new battery and a new starter, so I really don't see how it could be either of these (even though the car does sometimes start again if he taps on the starter and waits a few minutes). Nonetheless, the only other thing I can think that it could be is the alternator. Could it be the starter? Because he just got a new one. Or could it be the alternator or something else? How can we tell what it is (is there a way)? 10 points.




  1. i would say the new starters can be bad but i would make sure that all the connections are good too.  could have a bad ground wire or corrosion. could even be a bad ignition switch or something like that.

  2. More info please! make, model, year! When you say it won't start, what happens? when you turn the key, is the engine turning over like normal, but just won't start? Turn the key and nothing happens or what?

    My guess at this point is a bad connection, maybe at battery, starter, or engine ground!

    Good info at the links below!

  3. There are few possible things. I would do is turn the key position on, then go underneath the car where the starter locate. Grab screwdriver and tap starter battery terminal and remote terminal same time. If the car start easy then its could be your ignition.

    Can be bad battery cable that's connect from battery to starter.

  4. If he taps on the starter and it start then there's your problem. If it were the alternator the car would die while your driving it.  

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