
Our cat got attacked by a dog last night and bit in the head what can we do?

by  |  earlier

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It came up to our front porch and attacked her, it was a big dog too. We cleaned her wounds and have her inside right now. Can we give her anything for pain? I have 3 kids we don't have the money for the vet.




  1. The best thing to do is take the cat to the vet.  Pain Medication meant for humans is often times poisonous to cats and dogs.

    As for the vet, call him up, be as clear and upfront about the money and what happened, and see if he will take a payment plan.  Also, some humane societies will offer low cost vet care.  But, this cat needs to be seen by a vet NOW!  

  2. take to the vet and see if they can bill you later that poor cat  is probley suffering

  3. Not seeking necessary medical attention for a pet is considered animal cruelty.  I understand that money is tight, but vet bills are part of owning a pet and if you can not afford to take your cat in for something this serious then perhaps it is time to reconsider pet ownership.  Sometimes shelters will offer vet services at a reduced cost, particularly if you can prove financial hardship, and some vets will accept payment plans if you make arrangements prior to treatments being administered.  If you still REALLY can't afford vet care, then please consider relinquishing her to a shelter so that she can get the vet care that she needs.

    DO NOT GIVE HER ANY HUMAN PAIN MEDICATION!  Cats can not metabolize these drugs and they will kill her.  There are pain medications that can be used short-term in cats, but you need to get them from your veterinarian as they are not available over the counter.

  4. File a police report. Explain your situation to the police and have them talk to the dogs owner. I'd call vet clinics and explain what happened, maybe they'll help you out- it never hurts to ask. You should go and get the cat checked out as soon as possible, because it may have internal injuries. You shouldn't have to pay for the vet, the dogs owner should. I'm sorry to hear about your cat

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