
Our cat got fleas, we treated him and then had to rehome the cat due to moving.Washed everything, used flea

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spray,used flea bombs, hoovered every day but we still have fleas & my daughter is getting used flea bombs again,& we still have them.what else can i do?will they just die eventually as have treated everything?have spent a fortune




  1. How come you are still in the same place with the fleas if you moved and that is why you "rehomed" the cat?

  2. My apartment was infested with fleas.  Our cat was actually getting sick from the fleas and losing his hair and losing weight.  We used borax to completely get rid of them.  Borax is in the laundry aisle at the store and its a natural mineral.  You sprinkle it everywhere.  All over the carpet, furniture everything.  Its non toxic.  You must move your furniture and sprinkle underneath it as well including your couch.

    Fleas live in your furniture and carpet.  They only jump on you or your pets to feed.

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