
Our cat had kittens that are now 3 weeks old.One of them is acting very strange.What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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this kitten won't get up and move and it won't meow or eat.Is there a way to help it?




  1. Awww how sad.  Nonetheless, kittens should always be seen immediately when looking or acting sickly.  They are so small that their systems can go downhill quite quickly, so get them to vet asap

  2. like the rest said..take it to the vet its on deaths door step...

    the mom is probably pushing it away..

  3. it sounds to me like your kitty needs emergency care asap to thrive

  4. take it to the vet

  5. Vet. Go to the vet.

  6. it is probably the runt of the litter, so give it another couple days and try to force feed it.  I know that sounds a little harsh but it will help trust me.

  7. This kitten is very weak and will need to be seen by the vet. Try feeding kitten formula with a kitten bottle and make sure it is kept warm until you get to the vets office. If the kitten has an infection or the mother cat is transmitting through her milk, all kittens will get ill and not survive without the mother cat and kittens being treated by the vet. Good luck.

  8. Take it to the vet and also try going to your local pet store and buying a special milk formula specially designed for kittens. You can use a drip and try to feed it through that. You are best to act fast cause to of our kittens died beacause they were so small. We tried to feed them with a drip and thats all you can do.  

  9. if you cant afford the vet try kitten milk from the store i have had cats all my life and you also need to see how the mother is responding to the kitten

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