Our cat was bitten by some animal and has a fever 105.6. I made an appointment with the vet. During all this mu fiance's drinking buds were over and he had a chiropractor appointment tonight that he had to cancel because I asked him to help me take the cat to the vet. He really wanted to go see the chiropractor and eat pork chops on the bar-b-q with his friends. I wanted him to help me take the cat to the vet. He wanted me to go to the vet without him and was complaining the whole time about how he didn't get to go see the chiropractor and mad that he had to wait in the waiting room. Anyhow, the vet said the cat's fever was high and needed introvenous anitbiotics and fluids. Even after that, he was still complaining he didn't go to the chiropractor because his shoulder was bothering him and he missed his buds. I sort of forced him to go with me to take the cat to the vet. The whole time I was worried about the cat while all he was doing was complaning about what he didn't get to do. He also was trying to hush me when I voiced my concerns to the vet about the high fever. Should I have taken the cat myself to the vet and let him hang out with his buds and go to the chiropractor, or was I right in expecting him to go with me to take the cat to the vet? I am more upset over his lack of concern for our pet cat. What do you think of all this?