
Our dog just got fixed and his stitches are very itchy , can we give anything?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You can purchase Benadryl cream, and smear a small amount on the incision line.  

    Wash your hands thoroughly, and clean the incision with a small amount of alcohol, then apply.

    Dogs are given Benadryl orally for allergic reactions, and if he licks the cream off, it won't hurt him.

    If you have an Elizabethan collar, and he is rubbing her belly on the carpeting, grass, or whatever, you should see some relief using this cream.

    I know you are feeling for him, and want to help.

  2. There's nothing you can put on them.  Stitches aren't itchy until well into the healing process - that's what the elizabethan collar is for - to make sure the dog can't get at the stitches and tear them out.

  3. From what I know I don't think you can. All of my pets that have been fixed had stitches but I never gave them anything. I usually just watch to make sure there not picking at the stitches. But I am sure if you ask a veterinarian they will give you an answer. I would suggest getting an E collar to prevent the dog  from scratching.

  4. Unfortunately there isn't really anything you can give him for that.  Sutures itch as the skin heals because they are an irritant and will continue to irritate the skin until they are removed, that's just the way things are (and that's true for humans as well as dogs).  You really don't want to put anything topical on the incision site until after the incision is healed (at which point the sutures can come out anyway).  If your dog is l*****g or chewing at his sutures then you need to get an e-collar to keep his mouth off of the incision site when you can't be there to physically stop him yourself or else he will create an infection and the sutures will have to stay in longer (and he'll probably have to go on some antibiotics).

  5. an elizabethan collar over his head will help.  then he won't scratch.

    ( - Collar

  6. Its probably not the stitching, its where they shaved the hair, and its now starting to grow back.

    You CAN'T get the stitching or incision wet, you'll risk damaging or pulling the section apart.

    Its best to trim back his nails and put him in an E-Collar to prevent any scratching or biting at the area. If worst comes to worst, purchase dog booties for his back legs that are specifically made for itch prevention.

  7. Well done on having him done ha ha. Ask your vet if you can give him a piriton tablet ( available from your chemist - its an antihistamine but is great for anything itchy! ) Have you any sudocreme in the house? Or any nappy rash creme? Ask the neighbours if they've just had a new baby if they've got some? Both of these will stop the itching. There are also powders you can buy from the supermarket and chemist that will stop itching - lanacane is one - also available in cream. Hope you can get your hands on one of the suggested - its horrible to see them suffer like that. Best of luck.

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