
Our duty is to stop Global warming so what r we doing for that

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Today's world we all know Global warming has become threat. We all know it, but what r we doing to stop




  1. global waming is caused due to the increase in the carbondioxide levels and increase in the industries many use a car when they are one person they may travel through city bus it saves a lot of fuel and saves pollution and also decreas global warming if the co2 level is decreased we can prevent global waming by growing more trees and decreasing the electricity consuption

  2. I for one don't believe in all this global warming c**p.  So my duty is to continue to do as I please.

  3. i think people are beginning to do a lot of little things that can impact us majorly. for example

    i noticed more people walking to places instead of cars.

    my neighborhood now gives out free recycle bins to each household and provides a pick-up service.

    PacSun started to use paper bags instead of plastic

    MASS MEDIA ,more commericals are being aired about being more eco- friendly.

    what about you,what are you doing to stop it?

  4. you are rather arrogant arent you? while man can affect the environment, we can only do so for short periods of time, and in small areas. to suggest that man can cause the global temperatures to rise uncontrollably is in fact the height of arrogance. the amount of CO2 that we put in the atmosphere is tiny compared to what nature puts in the air, the literal bucket of water tossed into the ocean and then claim the sea levels rose. besides CO2 levels are a lagging indicator, not a leading one.

    and if we look further, we will find that the other planets in the solar system are also warming, and for those planets it is part of a natural cycle, but for earth it isnt? get real people. as our sun ages, it burns off it fuel, and as it does that it gets hotter. the sun is hotter now than it was 65 million years ago, and yet the global temps are cooler now than they were then. care to explain that?

  5. Absolutely Nothing !

    ONCE AGAIN....

    Global Warming MEANS "World Wide Warming!" It is ONLY A Political Term = NOT based in Real Science!

    The EARTH is covered by "Three Quarters WATER!" Basic Science, it takes ONE-Btu to raise One Cubic Centimeter ONE Degree Centigrade!

    HOW many "Gazillion Cubic Centimeters are there ONLY on the Surface of Planet Earth COVERED by 3/4 Water?"




    Oh yes, POLAR temperatures have varied LESS Than one degree in the past 100-Years. Noticed I said VARIED, = NOT RISEN!

    Thanks, RR

  6. how is it our duty to stop nature from doing what nature does? i feel no duty to stop global warming.

  7. Your duty is to not fall for the agenda of the loony greens.

  8. I haven't done anything for two reasons. The first reason is due to the fact I've always done things to conserve energy. The other is if the main spokesman of this lie doesn't change his ways why should the rest of us?

  9. Sit back and wait.

  10. i dont knw about aneone but o am doing a little bit to save our earth.i never throw any wrappers of garbage on the roads  

  11. That's a good question. There are many people who are using hairspray(harms the atmosphere) and driving to places that are so close they can walk or ride a bike. And then there are people who take action and recycle walk more. I am always telling people to save the earth most of all the animals in it. We are killing ourselves and the animals around us. For example the polar bears, the glaciers are melting and food is becoming scarce. So help save the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I do stuff to help the environment; recycle, pick up trash (when i see people throw stuff away on the ground, it annoys me so much i pick it up and throw it out in a garbage can) try to not waste water, use recycled paper, walk or use public transportation (parents don't own a car, so it's the only way for me to get around) and try to get others to do the same =)

  13. Nope my duty is to live a long happy life and not to fall for popular scams.

  14. I don't know about other people, but I am doing my own thing.  I have switched to CFL lighting, I take public transit and walk as much as possible, etc.

    The most you can do: Start making changes yourself, &spread awareness.

  15. I know what I'm doing not driving as much. Oh wait a minute that's because gas prices are so high. Strike that then.

  16. There is an urgent need to change our mindset and redefine our goals in life and come out of the trap of consumerism and the eagerness to possess so many things that we don't really need.The definition of development should be widely debated and modified and our priorities in life should be changed accordingly.Education,health,sanitation,... drinking water ,clean and pristine environmet should be high in our priority list.

    Why do we fell more trees?To build more homes in urban concrete jungles. Why do we urbanise so much? People migrate to cities and towns for a better life.But what is better life?We need to find the true meaning of better life because the current meaning of better life is not giving us the benefits of better life.

    Why do we destroy our precious rain forests? To farm and cultivate and grow more food for the burgeoning population.And why is there a population explosion? Poverty and ignorance are the prime reasons for population overgroth.Should we not do address these issues fundamentally?

    Why do we mechanise so much? Why do we travel so much? Rapid industralisation is the reason for a drain on hydrocarbons and coal and pollution as a consequence.

    Science and technology should address the core issues of ill health,poverty ,hunger,ignorance and education on a priority basis.

  17. This 'globe' has been warming for 6000+ years!  It is part of the 'cyclic' system of the planet.

    The 'threat' is just something else to scare people with; like the previous threats of 'atomic winter', 'the cold war', etc.

  18. Not much

  19. I for one am waiting for some kind of material that makes common sense. I refuse to support or believe in anything that has the look and feel of a Ponsi scheme.

  20. Where there is a will, there is a way.

    Do not sit and grumble.

    Start educating the masses and monitor them practice it.

    Even the smallest deed, you do, is great.  Deeds speak more stronger than words.

    You have a vision, idea, that is wonderful.  Go ahead.  You are in the right direction. Even, one single step in this direction, is a great success.

    I wish you all success.

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