
Our duty towards our family begins with purity that the community can?

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support in order to make things work naturally and commonly usefull to the needy,still there is a lot of time wasted over relaxation and arrogant luxury,as if all a great ones' parents did to help save science and Humanities orginated never before but from today's Internet Chat and email inbox?and that over a Billion Great pious people,from all relegions like the ancient Hindus or the Aphostles of Lord Christ,Buddha etc lived this Earth over the years knew nothing ? Why are people spreading their incapability over others' efforts whose spirit could find a cure to a dreaded disease or pacify the Soul of a great Human like Mahatma Gandhi,M.L.King and or President,Abraham Lincoln?




  1. Because people enjoy dragging others down, to make themselves better. Think about it this way, if we are all pulling each other back, its almost impossible to go forwards.

  2. My take is that I don't need to waste my energy wondering why others don't live up to my high expectations.  Rather, I tend to try to set the best example I can by personally living the life that I perceive is useful and correct.

    Then, if anyone chooses to emulate my example, then I have made a small difference.

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