
Our families think we're eloping this weekend.....

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My fiance and I are going to Reno for Hot August Nights(a huge car show and festival). our families think he knocked me up and now we're eloping.

Im not pregnant and we're not eloping. BUt they keep hounding us about it. His family has been going to this thing every year for about 15 years(they aren't going this year, just us.) My fiance's dad is the most worried though, because one of his other son's ran off and married and didn't tell anyone and he was pissed(especially since all of her family was there). So I think he's nervous that we may dothe same. We've tried telling them, but they keep on us. How can we calm them down?




  1. Ignore them.  You've told them.  When you come back and aren't married and aren't pregnant you can say "I told you so".

    OR, say "yes, we are getting married down there and having a baby there, and we are only having an elvis impersonator as our witness".  Get them all riled up.  Go on vacation, come back, and say you were just kidding.

    I like the "come back with a ring pop on your ring finger" idea!  Say you both have picked out a little house (take a picture of a run down outhouse and/or a one room shack) and have a fixer upper for a car (show an old broken car up on jackstands with flat tires).

  2. let them think it. come back wearing a ring pop on your ring finger. have fun on your trip!

  3. tell them that they are ruining a perfectly good trip for you all and that you are not getting married. If this doesnt work then go on the trip and when you come back not married they will probibly stop this whole nonsense

  4. Calm them down? I think you need to tell them to grow up! Them deciding you are pregnant doesn't make it so. And just because you are going to Reno doesn't mean you are eloping. And if you want to elope, well what would they do stop you? Hog-tie you to a fence? Seriously, tell them to grow up and get over it!

  5. You already told them that you were definitely not going to elope - there isn't much else you can do.

    Just try to reassure them one more time then let it go. The only thing that is going to make them feel better is when you return from your trip unwed.

    Maybe you could try writing an email or maybe you could try calling his father on your own. Tell him that you understand why he would be nervous, but you promise him that you have to much respect for the family to just run off.

    If they still don't accept it then they will just have to wait until you prove them wrong.

    Oh a completely different subject - that's so cool that you guys are going to Hot August Nights. My husband loves to go but he couldn't this year because of work. Be sure to take some pictures for me...and have a good time no matter what!  

  6. Well, when you come back not married they will probably realize that they were being silly.

  7. You don' just go on as planned and when you get back they will see how stupid they've been acting...........

    ...or tell them if they buy the pregnancy test you'll take it to prove there's no baby on the way...that'll take the wind out of their sails...and if they take you up on it, follow thru but make it clear you expect an apology from them when you prove them wrong.....and it will damage the relationship between you so they had better tred carefully here....good luck.

  8. Well, apparently you can't.  If you have already told them and they aren't listening, then don't worry about it.  You aren't eloping, so when you get back and you still aren't married, that will be the end of the drama.

  9. Take lots of pictures of what you're actually doing in Reno. When you get back show your parents all the pictures, and show them that you aren't married, and have no certificate of marriage or any of that jazz. Maybe once you show them the pictures of the car show they will chill out and not be so freaked about you two "eloping".

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