
Our family wants to adopt a 9/10 year old girl from India?

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how should we go about it. and how long does it usually take?




  1. There are children here in the states that need adopting as well.  I know you are aware of that...I just wanted to throw that in as an option.

  2. It would be wise to hire a legal aid after arriving in India and making sure that the adoption agencies check out fine.

    If you have all your papers in order and understand the process then hopefully you will get your wish fulfilled in a decent amount of time.

    I have heard of stories of heartbreak because the representatives turned out to be some kind of middlemen not allowed by Govt to operate for Adoption.

    I would also like to add a small reminder to all those people who commented about which country kids are being adopted from that we built this country as immigrants.

    If "countries should stop making kids because they cant take care of them" than what about all those people in developed countries whose kids need foster care, shouldnt they be stopped too?

    The fact is human life is human life. And people who want to adopt dont want the hassle and constant pressure of worrying that the birth parents will come back and take the kid away. Everybody has a choice to make their decisions and we should just encourage good work in this world and not throw obstacles and discouraging comments. Good luck and God bless.

  3. not another legal immgrate what about you own kids ?

  4. Well, my aunt adopted a baby girl from Pakistan and it took five months. Basically, the way the culture is there you have to bribe a lot to get things moving quickly. Also through immigration and medical checkups that will take a lot of time.


  5. I spent a week working in an orphanage in India, and I wanted to give you a word of encouragement.  There will be people who tell you "But there are American kids who need homes!" but those people don't seem to understand that it's better for a child to grow up in houses that aren't homes than for a child to grow up in the conditions I witnessed in that orphanage, which was considered one of the good ones (infants made to sit in soiled rags for hours, thirsty toddlers l*****g up urine off the floor... horrific... and it's even worse for orphans who don't make it into the orphanage...).  The American foster care system is pretty screwed up, but at least the children in it get food, shelter, education, medical care, legal advocates, etc.  They have a chance.

  6. I agree with you on adopting children from our own country.  I am a licensed foster parent.  I know how many kids are out there that need a good home that are right here in the united states.  This may be wrong of me to say but it is the way I feel.  If the other countries can't take care of their own children.  THEN STOP MAKING THEM!

  7. you go there and get her.

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