
Our government is c**p!?

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if you have ever seen star trek you know the life style thy live in a communist government where things are free and crime is gone.

do you think if we addopted the theory of communism and didnt have a dictator and followed the rules exactly of the THEORY of communism we would be a better country?

please no ignorant fools going eeeh communism is bad you terroris or something stupid

i want legitiment answeres from educated individuals please




  1. Our system of government isn't c**p, in fact it is a work of genius as set forth in the Constitution, but unfortunately many of our employees who sit in high offices ARE c**p.

    I understand what you are saying re communism, but that system has already been tried in real life by a couple of very large countries, with less than theoretically beautiful outcomes.

    The problem is that humans aren't naturally prone to share. The reality is that humans have an innate desire for independence and self-sufficiency, and for that reason alone I would argue that Communism, while it does look pretty good on paper (at least concerning what it promises), cannot actually function as a government or economic system.

    In many respects we are a very long ways from what the founders intended when they fashioned the Constitution, but not irreparably so. I encourage you to read Thomas Jefferson.  He left an extensive commentary, I believe in order to provide the future with a concrete reference as to what the founders tried to accomplish and set firmly in place. We are all d**n lucky they did.

    EDIT: Jakob I hear you about nothing good on paper is good in reality, it's the tendency of the best intended plans even written out in clear language to go downhill unless they are periodically kicked in the *ss to sustain the momentum. For awhile at least, our government *was* as good in reality as on paper (or actually, "as in thought") until certain types of people started corrupting it, and here is where I have to disagree with you a little bit, where you say "we have developed a corrupt system". I will not include myself in that "we" and I don't think you would include yourself either. I mean if a person can see and call out corruption, they are not part of the corruption. Is why I said that the damage is not irreparable, I personally know several people who are also sick and tired of it, and the one thing we have in common despite different views on other things, is to call something bullsh*t when we hear bullsh*t. That is the kind of thinking that if it spreads, (and it is spreading, don't doubt it) will set this republic back on its true feet. We WILL take our country back.

    Agreed it may not be the Star Trek utopia just yet, but in the meantime I'll accept guaranteed liberty and thinking, careful people in high office..

  2. The problem of communism:

    Bob is an honest worker.  He works overtime for his paper company.  He tries hard for the company.

    Fred is a party guy!  He rarely ever goes to his paper company.  He just parties all day long.

    Do you think both these people should get the same amount of money, food, and housing sizes?

  3. You forgot to exclude people who cannot spell.

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