
Our grandson just tested at 125. he is only 7 years old. how does a score relate to age?

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Our grandson just tested at 125. he is only 7 years old. how does a score relate to age?




  1. IQ typically doesn't change much with age - if he takes the test at a later time it may vary within a few points, but typically it won't change much, and most schools only give students an IQ once in their school career unless a major change comes up, such as a brain injury.  

    The average IQ of all people, regardless of age, falls in the 90-100 range.  125 means that your grandson is above average.  Most districts require a score of 130 for gifted services, however many programs make allowances for students from minority groups, single parent homes, poverty, or those who have special talents and teacher recommendations.

    If his parents (or you, if you're his guardians) really want him to receive gifted services you can try contacting the school to see what programs are offered.  Some school have programs for students who are "gifted and talented" (or some variation) to include those students like your grandson, who are above average but don't quite make the cut off for a formal gifted program.  

    If the school doesn't have a program for him you can check with the district to see what's offered at other schools, but be aware that you may need to provide transportation and make a special application to attend a school that's not his home school.  There are pros and cons to attending a program like this or another school, so you will have to do some research before choosing the best program for him.

    Good luck!

  2. I am assuming you mean an IQ test...but an IQ techinically should not change with age.  What test was he given?  WISC?  Woodcock-Johnson?

  3. My son was tested at an IQ of 139 at age 8.  Your grandson must be very bright!  The IQ test doesn't really relate to age, he is just super-intelligent!

  4. I'm with a previous poster. Did he get Weschler? WISC? 125 IQ is very nice and bright. Our district requires 130 for the talented and gifted programs so he might miss the cutoff for special services like that. Most likely he will.

    To answer your question, IQ score will not probably change dramatically over time. He will always be at 125 which is a wonderful score and means he has a very high capacity to learn and lots of potential to achieve.

  5. Tested how?

  6. What test??

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