
Our hamster keeps ecsaping from his cage even though we haved taped and ziptied it shut! What should i do?

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Our hamster keeps ecsaping from his cage even though we haved taped and ziptied it shut! What should i do?




  1. If your hamster is getting out, that means it's able to reach the top of the cage.  One solution would be to buy a much deeper cage, or better yet, go with an all-wire cage with a door that has a secure latch.  (something like this: )

       I had a hamster in a cage that had only a tiny door at the exact center of the cage, and that sucker still managed to get out by moving her wheel or other objects around in the cage, and pushing up until it popped open.  We fixed that by stacking books on top of the cage at night, but depending on the lid of your cage that might not be possible.

  2. Crittertrail makes good cages, mine has yet to get out.  You can buy the cage from petsmart.  Ideally, you want a cage with as little plastic as possible or plastic that is rounded so it can't chew it.  Try giving him more things to chew, like chew sticks, carrots, celery, and yogurt drops. Does he have a wheel to run in? You can buy silent ones, also from petsmart and they are not expensive.

  3. my freind and i had the same problem he recoomend get and  buy a  rectangle size fish tank...then ur hamster  cnt climb out of it  trust me it works im ded serious

  4. It's a ghost. Escape before it eats your neighbors.

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