
Our high definition television sometimes loses all picture and goes completely black for 1 - 2 seconds in HD?

by  |  earlier

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its only when we have our xbox on though, never during normal use.

Its always intermittent there is no pattern to it or anything and it can range from not happening at all during a session to once every couple of minutes.

any advice appreciated.




  1. Ours did that.  We paid for a tech to come out and take it in to his shop (it is a 54' big screen) and he opened it up, tested it, and found nothing wrong.  He brought it back and the thing never did it again (it's been over a year).  We called to tell him and he said it was probably a loose wire connection that got tightened during the routine testing.  I would take it to a tech and have them check the connections.  It's a bit expensive, but I'd rather have a TV that worked than a TV that shuts itself off.

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