
Our known-pedofile neighbor is having a house warming party 8/27. What are some good gift ideas??

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Our known-pedofile neighbor is having a house warming party 8/27. What are some good gift ideas??




  1. A pair of binoculars and a note that says "We are watching you, pervert creep!"

  2. An electric chair, a noose, a loaded gun and instructions on how to play Russian Roulette, razor blades and music to kill yourself by, etc you get the idea.

    EDIT: To "Andy", honey, the recidivism rate for pedophiles is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. NO pedophile stops molesting children until they are dead and buried, If you learn nothing else in your life, at least learn that. Talk to any cop...

  3. The recidivism rate for a convicted pedophile is very high but it's not a 100%.  I'm of the opinion every one deserves a second chance; the law seems to think so because it released him from jail.  By all means be wary around him and keep an eye on your kids but I see no need to buy him some sort of hateful 'gift'.

    Edit: Leigh, I didn't think you were serious; I wouldn't go at all either especially if I didn't know anything about the guy.  The question isn't all that flippant because I'm sure plenty of people might menace the guy from the get go, with a flaming box of doodoo or the like.  No Kitty, the recidivism rate is not 100% because if it were they would not release pedophiles from jail.  Yes, it's such a sick deplorable crime and few who reach that depth of depravity reform, but I'm all about protecting and acknowledging those few who might/do.  I know you think I'm naive but I'm convinced fifteen years of repentance, reflection and imprisonment is enough to reform at least one or two out of every 100 or 1000.  If I thought otherwise I'd advocate castrating them all and/or letting them rot in jail.   I know my opinion is unpopular but I'm glad that's the view our justice system seems to take.

  4. A gift certificate to bungee jump- but forget to tell him its a company that doesnt use a rope!! Sick perverted deviates they r. No one deserves a second chance when u interfere with children. Nor do rapists or ppl who purposely attempt these acts. A person who suffers as a child shouldnt use these as excuses to carry these acts out. You wld think these wld be the ones who wld be trying to stop it in our communities.  They do not belong in communities with children. They need to be put on an island together (titled 'Pedaephile Island' )and they should be made to fend for themselves.Once the food runs out, you can guess the rest! Might be one way to rid our communities of this threat!!!!!   gd luck!

  5. Are you kidding me.

    A DVD collection of Vlad models and some awesome collection of  wallpapers (13~16yr) would be an awesome gift.

    loli FTW!

  6. A nice 12x18 photograph of you and your family, you know the one with that double barrel 12 guage shotgun slung over your knee.

    The note should read : Thinking of you

  7. A gift certificate to Chuck E Cheese ... ?

    I really hope you're joking.

    How about a pair of rusty gardening shears with a personalized note attached.  You can tell him what part of his anatomy you're going to use them on if you ever catch him near your kids.

    edit -

    Andy, I wasn't serious.  I don't think the question was serious.  But if you must know, my serious answer is ... I wouldn't go at all.  Especially if all you know about the guy is that he's a convicted peophile and you need to pick a gift based on that ... then I see the party being a bit uncomfortable.

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