
Our large apt. complex has institued a curfew for youths......?

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They are not allowed outside without an adult after 9 pm. I think it is a good idea seeing as people you generally wouldn't want your kids hanging out around are out after 9 pm, especially on the weekends. My kids are in before that curfew or no curfew, but there are parents out there that would let their kids be out, not because they think that their kids are old enough, although their are those out there, but because they do not care or are not as attentive.

My husband thinks it is trampling on our rights as parents, I can see his viewpoint, but also agree with the curfew.

Do you think a curfew is a good idea or not, why?




  1. it is an abusrd idea, which violates parents rights to raise their child.  Only a government agency can enforce such a curfew.  although you like the policy your husband is right, you should let people tell you how to raise your children.

  2. I think it's a great idea! Teens do crazy stuff these days, especially after dark...

  3. it depends on what they mean by "out" like playing in the play ground and running around out side, then yea I agree. Most places have some sort of noise rules that states all kids and parties must be quieted down after a certain time. Also who wants there young kid playing on a play ground after dark? If the curfew states thats teens must be home by that time (unsure how they would enforce it) then I agree with your husband. If a parent lets there teenager go out (which its summer so must will) it is the parents decision, not the complex. It really depends on what age they are targeting this curfew for.

  4. I think it should be up to the parent as to when their children are going to be in.  Some parents don't care and curfew rules and laws aren't going to stop that.  It's just another way to make us do what the government wants.  I sent my son to the store for Motrin one night, I couldn't drive, my migraine was too bad to see.  I didn't know anyone in the area.  He got fined for a curfew violation.  He was out after 11.  There is no leniency.  Kids that are going to do bad things will do them no matter what time of day.  If you don't like the rules where you live, then leave.  That's the only advice that I can give.

  5. whats the age limit on it? i think being 15 and up not allowed outside near your own home past 9pm is absurd. what happens if someone IS outside past 9pm? whats the "punishment"

    i wouldnt have listened to the rule, and my mother isnt the type that would make me listen to it either....i guess we'd be moving lol.

  6. In a way i agree, because it does make it less likely for something bad to happen to your child. But on the other hand, I think people are getting out of control with telling people how to raise their children, also i know that my friends and i would have never obeyed by any curfew, i know the high schoolers now wouldn't either ... and i live in one of the biggest most dangerous cities in America.

  7. i think it is a great idea to many kids gettin pg and doing drugs and drinkin i say about time they do something

  8. I think it's a good idea. 9pm isn't an unreasonable time; I'd have an issue if they were putting it at like 7pm or something. THAT would be flexing muscle, but a 9pm curfew makes sense. It's not instituted to tell people how to raise their kids, it's there to help ensure people will continue to have kids to raise. It ain't old times anymore and the monsters do come out at night. Keep your kids safe.

    Heh, if your husband insists on letting your daughter run around your apartment complex after 9pm unsupervised, he'd better be letting her read that book you were talking about and learning about the dangers of rape. Pervs who hang out at night target young girls like her and don't care that she's 10; she needs to learn about those dangers or at the very least be made aware so she can ask.

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