
Our last name is Regner, pronounced Rigna. Should I name a girl Hilde, or Hildi?

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Have you ever heard of a girl with the name Hildi-I seem to like this better than Hilde.




  1. god dont name your kid hilde !she will get picked on

  2. My great-grand aunt's name is Hilde. Seriously, don't do it.

  3. umm...seems the first answer is a little sour about your choice...or just stuck up....Ipersonally like it with an i.....My daughters name is Karys and many people think its neat that it is not spelled karis....and this old fashoned or new fashioned name is all cr ap...dont be like everyone else and name you kid a jacob, or lena or lisa or victoria or blah blah blah....I personally think many first german names suq.  Stick with the original but spell or pronounce in a different way....

    This is only my opinion

  4. In German, if you want it to be pronounced Hildy, it should be spelled Hildi, if you want it to be pronounced Hildeh, it should be spelled Hilde, which is the coorrect way to spell and pronounce it.

    I think I told you I liked the name Brunhilde in an earlier post of yours.  I was kidding, though.

  5. Regner is a German last name, so if you want to give your child a German name to go with it, stick with the classic Hilde. Hildi reminds me of "Aldi". It would also make me think that the parents probably didn't know how to spell Hilde when they registered their child.

    Hilde btw can be short for Hildegard, Hiltrud (Hildtrude), Hildegunde, etc. An alternative to Hilde can also be Hilda. Similar names are Hila, Hilal, Hilaria, Hilary, Hilda, Hildburg, Hilde, Hildeberta, Hildegard, Hildegarda, Hildegart, Hildegerd, Hildegund, Hildegunde, Hildelies, Hildemara, Hildemut, Hilderun, Hildgard, Hildis, Hildrun, Hildtrude, Hilja, Hilka, Hilke, Hilla, Hillary, Hille, Hillegonde, Hilma, Hiltje, Hiltraud, Hiltraut, Hiltrude, Hiltrudis und Hiltrun.

    Personally I am not fond of this name, as it is very old fashioned. It makes me think of my grandmother. Not many women have this name today, so naming your child this way could raise some eyebrows. The only "Hilde" name I like is "Mechthild".

  6. Hilde is a very old-fashioned name.  It sounds like somebody's Oma.  How about Hannah?

  7. "Hildi" is not a German first name. To me as a Germannative speaker, that sounds more like a pet name given to a very small child, if at all.

    Also, "Hilde" is somewhat outdated. I'd only recommend it if you add a second first name that's a bit more modern.

    Here you can find some more recent names:

    But of course, if you want to call the kid "Hildi" then that's perfectly fine, too. :)

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