
Our last name is pound and my husband wants to name our son d**k can he ever really live up to the name?

by Guest56988  |  earlier

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I have been fighting with my husband over this for months. I do not want to name my son d**k Pound. He said he would settle with for the name Richard, with his nickname being d**k. Should I give in and name him Richard?




  1. absolutely not.

  2. Is this a joke?

  3. NO! Don't give in! You both have to compromise. Besides, d**k is so old-fashioned and not right for a baby, or even a child. And he is bound to be teased for sure. Richard is also very old-fashioned, but far better than d**k! Why don't you call him Rick? It sounds like Richard but is more modern, and rhymes with d**k, but he is less likely to be teased as people wont make the connection. d**k is an awful name, no offense to your husband! Calling your child the slang equivilant to p***s is so not right!

  4. noooo!

    its not the same as 30 years ago!

    if you name your kid d**k he will get teased for his whole frackin life!


    please don't!

    and show your husband all of these answers no show him the truth!!!!!

    if he wants a name with D name him like dylan or something.

    or you can ask another question for options of guy names that start with D.

    good luck!

  5. Please don't name your child that. Think of what he would go through as a child. I wouldn't even give him the name Richard because it gives your husband a reason to call him d**k. Not to mention it doesn't sound good with last name.

  6. OMG!!!  Are you kidding me?  I work as a customer care rep and whenever I hear the name d**k, I'm always reminded of it.  I bet people who have the name d**k feel so awkward giving their name out.  Just think about it when he goes to school and when he gets married and when he's applying for a new job or getting a loan.  You know everyone he deals with will be thinking the same.

    Honey, if you have any kind of sense, DONT do this to your newborn baby.  That would be AWFUL!!

    If I were you, I wouldn't care what my husband had to say,  You better put your foot down and use common sense.  If you HAVE to use that name, only your husband can call him that.  I wouldn't tell people to call him d**k.  Seriously lady, that is TERRIBLE.

    Sorry to be so harsh, you just have to think about the TORTURE you son will endure.

    Is this even a real question?

  7. Are you serious? Your poor kid. Your husband wants to laugh at his kid? Wants others to laugh at him too? If you do this, your kid will hate you for it.

  8. I really hope you are joking but if you are not you are asking for your son to have years of harrasment with that name.  Kids are cruel don't give your son a bullseye on his back from the get go.

  9. i dont think you should namehim d**k.. have a common now days name.. poor. tell him to think of the baby.. he would get picked on

  10. Omg people, get a f****** life and stop making fake questions.


  11. Are you kidding?  He will be teased every single minute of every single day of his life!!!

    Since "Pound" can be used as a verb, you should be VERY careful in choosing a first name.  There can be so many connotations and hidden meanings with a name like that.  

    Personally, I would NEVER use the name d**k.  At least in the U.S.A. it is a name that brings limitless jokes.

    What about:








    Jeffrey or Geoffrey


    ????????  How would those sound to you?  Just be careful, please.

  12. You have a very childish, immature husband with no sense of what it means to be a father or a parent.  Make the naming the baby your decision.  That child has to live with his name for the rest of his life!!  Life is hard enough,

  13. No...don't do that. If anything, have Richard as a middle name. Maybe you could use:

    Kevin Richard

    Adam Richard

    Jason Richard

    Joseph Richard

    Michael Richard

  14. No offence but is your husband mad. You should not call you child d**k no matter what his surname is. If you like Richard then call him that and if you're husband wants to call him d**k then let him. Just make sure that you and everybody else doesn't, call him Rick or Ricky. Your husband will soon get the message.

  15. no, please dont

  16. Why is he so into calling him d**k? Does he not understand what he's doing to his child? In today's world especially! Richard isn't that bad of a name, but it seems like your husband is obsessed with *****! And that's exactly the life your child will be having. Oh Richard has a little D.............. Stupid and I wouldn't do it.

  17. ummm noooooooooooooooo!

  18. d**k pound definitely not, kids will be so mean to him in school!

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