
Our lease is up in a month then we are going to do month to month! we already paid our last months rent.?

by  |  earlier

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at the beginning of our year lease. Now how does this work out? Do we just keep the last month payment for that last month or does she give us for example like august free since that would be our last month and we just pay month to month going forward??




  1. It's your last month of tenancy, not the last month of the lease. So, don't take a hammer to those walls just yet!!

    Google your state + "tenant landlord law". State and local laws govern your situation.

  2. You'd have better responses to your questions if you'd lumped them together instead of creating a new one for every nuance of your problem.

    Anyway, to answer this part of your questions--your rent is still going to be due in August--your rent will probably stay the same for a while at least (the landlord will have to send you notification if s/he plans to raise it). You will continue to pay rent on it's normal due date until you move out--I'm not sure what you are getting at though. I'm almost thinking you are asking about your deposit which was intended to be your "last month's rent", however, if you don't move out, it's not your "last month" therefore, your deposit will carry over until you do actually make it your "last month" (i.e. when you give notice and actually move out.)

    I hope that helps?

  3. your last month rent would be rolled over into the month to month. You wouldn't get "free" rent for august, since if you did, you would no longer have the "last month's rent" on deposit with the landlord.

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