Okay, we got these frog eggs and brout them home. When they hatched, we only kept 4. The tadpoles have grown emencley and they have grown tiny back legs but are quite noticable. We feed them goldfish and shrimp food and they love it. They will come to greet you (I know it's wierd) and now we need to move them into their own little habitat.
We have a 10 gallon fish tank and we were thinking of putting a contairer as a pool, a food bowl, bedding (whatever they use) and such.
We were going to put them in the pool and then when they are ready to come out, they will. We have rocks for them and my mom is amazing and "frog architecture" and she built them a little home in the bucket they are in. We clean it abour once a week.
So, is the pool and rocks idea okay and what else should we put in for bedding and stuff?