
Our local union hall has always had democrat signs out front, even hillary's sign was out there! Question is?

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why don't they have an obama sign? For that matter, why are all the democrats that I personally know, NOT voting for obama?




  1. Becasue Obama is the wrong answer for America... and democrats can see it....

  2. Unions will always support a democrat. Republicans are anti-union and Obama is VERY pro-union. Trust me, if the UMWA (United Mine Workers of America) endorses him, they all will.

  3. Good question. All the democrats I know are voting for Obama. It's sad. Especially at a union hall. Obama promises to raise corporate taxes. The CEO, president and executive officers of a corporation do not pay the corporation's taxes.

    They pass taxes on. Corporate taxes are simply a cost of business. They are passed on in 3 ways. The first is making shareholders earn less on investments. (Why do union members want to be poor when they retire?) The second way corporations pass on taxes is they make employees work harder for less they outsource and lay off employees. (Why in the world would union members want to work harder for less and have less union members?)  The third way corporations pass on corporate tax increases is they make customers pay more for less. How could any, sane, rational union member go for any of that. The answer, is they are taught to feel envy for the rich. The leaders of the democrat party have infected the union members with envy so badly, Democrats union members are willing to shoot themselves in the foot to punish the bullet.  

  4. I am a union member to and i receiveda news letter informing me that is who our Union is supporting although i'm not sure i will.

    Who ever is head of your local needs to get on the ball either the uninon is or the union is'nt going to support Obama.

    I'm a Democrat to but i find poor choices all the way across the board this election.

  5. same reason their are so many Democrats for McCain, they found out!!!

  6. My union does support Obama.

  7. You could buy them an Obama sign if you want.

    As for your second question, you have a small non-random sample, which means that you cannot make generalizations from this sample.  All the Dems I know are voting for Obama and are afraid of McCain (h**l, two Dems I know are already planning on moving to Europe if we have 4 more years of Bush-ism).  However, this does not mean all Dems are voting for Obama - small, non-random samples can never be trusted to generalize to a larger population <-- basic rule of statistics.

  8. you know some smart dems


    what does that say about obama?

  9. Every Dem I know is voting for McCain!

  10. Just because they are a democrat does mean that they absolutely have to love obama.

  11. Because at heart, MOST of us, regardless of party affiliations, are patriots.

    MOST people will not vote for an anti American, lying, racist bigot.

    Country over Party!


  12. I've yet to talk with a Dem that's not voting for Senator Obama.

  13. Why would they?

  14. This means they need to use some  of that union dues for a sign. I'm a member of USW (steelworker) and we all 100% behind Obama.Everyone I know dem or repub is voting for Obama, I guess it depends on where your from. I'm in MI.

  15. Because this is America and if the union supported/supports Mrs. Clinton, they are well within their right to express that.

  16. because he's a loser

  17. Obama and his extreme environmental policies are going to put a lot of union workers out of work, he will shut down the oil industry, gas industry and coal industries among many others, the Obama supporters say he will replace these with green jobs, BS, there is no guarantee where these jobs will be located or whether they will be union, the unions are cutting their own throats if they support him.

  18. Because they cost money,Why would you buy a worthless product?

    Its probably made in china anyways.Plus ill bet they fall over quite easily from a slight breeze.

  19. Because the democrats you know are not democrats.  

    He is the nominee, and will be working for the party to enact the things we believe in and have put in our platform.  If you don't support him you are not democrats.  

    Realize that the next president will be appointing supreme court justices that will effect women's right to chose, gun rights and civil liberties.  

    Wake up and smell the coffee.  Obama is the right choice in this election.

  20. You have to buy Obama signs.  That's how the campaign raises funds.

    Tell your local union to get off the dime.

  21. hey the UFCW's got his back what union are you in?  

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