
Our male cat and the bumps on his neck?

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our old cat has tiny white bumps the size of small pimples on his neck..what could they be?




  1. That could be many things infection, or skin condition or if its hot by you that can cause it but the best thing to do is to call your vet and have them look at your cat so that way you have a doc check it out.

  2. If they seem to be surface only it's probably just a skin irritation - does he wear a collar?  Do you use flea stuff like Advantage of Frontline on him?  Have you noticed him scratching there?

    Best to have your vet check them out the next time you're in, but it's probably not anything too serious.

  3. Old pets often develop "warts"; just like old humans can.

    It could be something that simple.  It could also be minor skin tumors that sometimes are benign, some are malignant.

    The only sure way to tell is to let your vet look at them.

    If your cat is "old", and he feels that these bumps are in fact "warts" or non-cancerous tumors then he will probably suggest that they be left alone unless your cat is bothered by them, or scratches them and causes them to bleed frequently.

    Hope that helps.

  4. it may be fleas biting its neck

    look deeply through the fur on your cats neck

    if there are black bugs on its neck

    then its fleas.

  5. If you live in a place with a lot of flies your cat could have wolf worm but it could be like my cat and the bumps just go away.

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