
Our new dentist wanted to extract my children's wobbly milk teeth - is that normal?

by  |  earlier

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They weren't bad or anything like that, in fact she commented on how good both their teeth were. But she wanted to take out 3 that were wobbly in my son's mouth (two of which he hadn't even noticed, so they weren't a problem in staying there too long) and then she wanted to take one out of my daughter's mouth too. Daughter has only lost 1 baby tooth so far as she's younger.

Our old dentists have never wanted to take milk teeth out before. This one is one of a long line of foreign dentists, but we have also had to change to a new dental surgery as the old one closed.

Is this normal? I didn't let her remove them yet, but she was quite abrupt with me about it.




  1. Good for you to not let her take the teeth out - I'm glad you stuck to your guns and refused. If she got abrupt then she is not a proper dentist. Everybody knows that milk teeth will always, always come out on their own when they are ready. It is a sign of the child growing up as their "adult" teeth are coming through. Take care my darling and don't let that dentist bully you. Good luck.

  2. Well i doubt she would if you children didnt have appointments etc or the checkup but it just easier i guess. get them out fast so your kids can eat right without them potentially breaking off etc or causing discomfort.

    I doubt its bad etc but just the timing of visiting dentist.

  3. I dont think it is normal for a dentist to remove children's milk teeth unless there is a good reason to, but as you say your childrens teeth are good and healthy then no i dont see why the dentist would think about removing them. Surely it would be a bad experiance for such young children to have teeth removed and this would make them scared of going to the dentist in future. Its an important part of a childhood, experiancing the wobbly teeth and then the tooth fairy. Maybe you should ask to see another dentist in future.

  4. Before guessing the motives of the dentist why don't you ask her? If after hearing the explanation you still don't buy it then don't go with the treatment, sometimes it's better to remove baby teeth if they stay long enough to may be jeopardize the position of the new teeth.

  5. The obvious thing to do would be go to another surgery and get a second opinion.


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