
Our new house is being inspected today, what kind of questions should we ask?

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We are first time home buyers and the house we bought has inspection today, what kind of questions should we ask the inspector?

Thank you in advance for your answers.




  1. The inspector isn’t going to tell you about lead. That comes from the seller’s lead based paint disclosure that you should have already seen and signed off on buy this point.

    You don’t need to go in with a list of questions. As the inspector points things out to you, you can ask him any questions you have about that specific item.


    Inspector: There are two barnacles on the plumbing stack.

    You: What are those and is it a reason for concern?

    Then the inspector explains….

  2. I am not sure how amI able to help but I have stared, so that some one might see that!

  3. is it in a flood area? what is the insulation rating? how much are the estimated  fuel costs per year? what kind of neighborhood is it? has the foundation been checked for cracks? how is the plumbing? i would then be sure to get any additional information from your insurance company, they can tell you more about your house they have all that information in their computers.-blurey

  4. if your going through a real estate agent they should guide you through the process. Inspectors usually want the buyer to tag along on the inspection. You are paying for the inspection and should get a full written report along with an explanition of what was found. My clients couldn't make the inspection so I went along with the inspector and was able to answer their questions.

    There should be a Lead based paint disclosure form for pre 1977 houses. Believe me that they started using latex paint way before 1977. Don't think that they stopped using lead the day before it was illegal.  

  5. If I would be the inspector, I would tell you to leave me alone and let me do my job and then you will get a report.

    He is the expert and any suggestions from your side are annoying.

    Who ordered the inspector? I hope for your sake, he knows his stuff and wasn't just the cheapest one to get.

    A good inspection report has pictures and detailed information.

    Once he is finished with the house, I would talk to him for a couple of minutes, what his major impressions where, but remember, time is money.

    Good luck.

  6. Follow him around and ask about anything/everthing you see.  In particular, you want to look for any evidence of leaks (roof or plumbing), the condition of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, evidence of dryrot or structural problems (like foundation cracks), condition of installed appliances in the kitchen, exterior drainage, etc.

    Bring a digital camera to take photos and a tape measure to measure for appliances, etc.  

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