
Our old dog is close to the end, and our younger one is blind, and acting so depressed- does he know?

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I don't know what to do...Pepper is 14 and has had COPD for 2 years, she is close to the end. Dudley- our 8 y.o. dog is blind- and very dependant on her. She helps him get around outside, etc. He once was so lively and funny, now he stays off to himself, and has his tail between his legs all the time. Doe he know? He still eats, so I'm sure he's not sick- he's just sad- what to do? Also- If I have to put Pepper down, do I need to put him down too?




  1. I think a dog can tell a lot of things and that he probably knows whats going on. At the same time what you need to do with Dudley is spend more time with him and maybe get him another playmate but just keep and eye on him. Very Sorry.

  2. my guess is he does know what is going on.. He does not have to see to know what is going on around him.. Just comfort him and let him be around his old friend.. and when your older dog does pass make sure you give the younger one extra attention and maybe a new friend..

  3. Your younger dog knows what's happening and is simply sad about loosing their friend.

    no need to put him down, blind dogs do very well and he'll adapt in time just be patient with him/her as they adjust. Below is a link of some folks that work with special needs animals, you can see how well blind dogs adapt. (Rolling Dog is one of my favorite charities, they're amazing!).

    I'm sorry for your loss, we went through the same thing last December

  4. No you don't have to put Dudley down.  Of course he's going to be sad.  That's his buddy.  He knows what's happening to her.  But you may be surprised how well he gets around without her if he needs to.  I'm a groomer at a shop and we have a blind 15yr shih tzu.  You would be amazed at how well he gets around... you wouldn't even know he didn't have any eyes.  This is definitely a sad time for everyone, so just give as much love to the both of them as you can and when the time comes console Dudley as much as you can.

  5. No you don't need to put him down too.

    He might know. Dogs can sense some things.

    He'll slowly feel better.

    Sorry for your lose.  

  6. So sorry to hear about your dear friends.

    No I would not put the younger dog down, but after the older one passes you may want to pay attention to how well your blind one gets around without him.

    You may have to take extra care as your older dog was his guide.

    Again so sorry to hear of your coming loss.

    Just know that he will have many friends and be as good as new once he crosses the Rainbow Bridge where all are faithful friends go.

    Good luck and God bless

  7. Dogs are actually quite sensitive to emotion and changes in routine, both yours and the other dog's.  If you have sensed it is near the end for Pepper, then Dudley is also sensing it.

    Give Dudley lots of extra attention.  Make him feel like he is still special in his own right.  Take him out to his favorite places, give extra treats.  You will not have to put him down.  He will adjust after Pepper is gone to whatever is the new routine.  If Dudley gets too depressed and stops eating, contact the vet as their are medications that can be used (although not my first choice!)

  8. He knows your older dog is getting toward the end. I suggest getting another, younger dog into the household( not  necessarily a pup). Make sure you socialize both of your dogs with the other dog, before deciding to get it( that way, your dogs have a choice, and things should work out)  

  9. if dogs/puppys are close they will know something is wrong with one and other - so dudley probably knows there is somthing wrong with pepper and acting depressed because of that x good luck ..

    sorry that they are both ill x my mum has copd and i know it not nices x  

  10. He probably senses that his friend is gotten ill and isn't the same ol' girl. So I think that he may get over it after she is gone, but it will take some time. Just be patient, and give him some extra attention. But I wouldn't be too hasty in having him put down, unless his blindness is getting to be a real problem in other ways.

  11. Your younger dog does know what is going on and he is saddened that he will lose his companion but no don't put him down just because he's blind.  He will adjust and learn how to get around by himself just be sure not to move any furniture around or else that will throw him into a spiral.  He needs to have everything as consistent as possible.

  12. dogs can sense and get upset justy liek humans. nmy friend had two golden retrievers, one died the other sat by his old kennel for 3 weeks straight doing nothing. mourning his best friend

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