
Our pet turtle when in water pushes intestines like thing out his backside, what is it and is it normal?

by  |  earlier

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He's an eastern ornate box turtle and when he relaxes in warm water, he lets organs out to float in water like he's washing it. Kinda looks like a heart and is red. First thought was its -his man hood. But it doesnt come out all the time, only in luke warm water. When fully extended the "heart" is almost as big as he is. is this normal or what should we do?




  1. You were correct with your first assumption- it is his "manhood".

    This is totally normal and nothing to worry about.

    BTW, "Eastern" and "Ornate" box turtles are two separate species.

  2. no that is definately not normal.   it sounds like its an intestinal prolapse which is commonly caused by a turtle eating gravel, improper diet, constipation and parasites. A prolapse is not likely to improve on its own and generally requires surgery.  Most prolapses are not painful to the turtle.  but your turtle will not be aware that its part of his body so he may scratch at it with his back legs or another turtle may bite at it, any of those situations would be extremely bad because it would most likely get infected and could be fatal.  I personally would consult with your vet because although it may require surgery they may no of other things that can be done.

    this may also help-

    (scroll to near bottom)

  3. You seriously think he could push out his heart... I mean I honestly have never seen that and I used to have 3 box turtles, my suggestion would be to go get it checked by a veterinarian or reptile expert in your area if you know of one.

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