
Our pond fish are being bitten by something. taking off the back half, front bit still swimming!! any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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no sign of fin rot, or any other recognisable disease.




  1. Either one of your carp wants to be the big daddy or

    You have a heron or egret visiting. Try planting lillies so the fish can hide under them.

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  2. Look for the turtle.

  3. frogs?

    look around your pond for clues- they might have a disease which rots them away though  

  4. sounds like you have a mean fishy : (

  5. Other fish,  birds or cats  Cover the pool with netting  What fish do you have in there?   some carps can be   rather aggressive  

  6. there are two things it can be,

    firstly if you get town foxes in your garden its the time they have cubs so will take any food easily accessible, or the most likely culprit is the heron it will take bits or whole fish and just because you don't see them doesn't mean they are not the ones they arrive early and take what they want then leave so put a net over the pond about two feet above the water  

  7. Herons or a terrapin.  

  8. Do you have raccoons in the area

  9. In South Yorkshire the probability is a cat or a heron. Foxes though good swimmers aren't equipped to catch fish.

    I'll guess cat because a heron takes fish by the head to swallow and I've not known a heron to leave a meal behind. A cat would strike the back half.

    Best you can do at the minute is take the advice about covering your pond with netting which should offer protection against all large predators.

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