
Our "Wonderful" Government?

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WTF is going on right now? My faith in our government has completely vanished. Seriously, I know its all in disarray at the moment and pretty much every aspect is down in the gutters, but when will this end?

How long (realistically) before you can see things start to change?

Do you think our country would be entirely better in the hands of a different party?

Now I thought I supported Labour, but I started to question them long ago.. Should I be shoving most of the blame onto Gordon Brown himself(and Blair too) or am I right in blaming the party as a whole?

Its just the way things are right now make me want to up and leave to someplace else.




  1. The whole Labour party is to blame. They had a large majority and then used this to start to destroy England and the UK. B'liar and Brown have used the Whip system to force through laws for England using the Scottish MP's who have no mandate for all English matters, Brown in fact sits for a Scottish seat and have no mandate for England. The labour party have always been the high spend low value party and the last Wilson government had to go to the IMF for cash to bail their profligate spending. Those who vote labour either have no brain or are so brain washed about the class struggle that they can not see past this.

    The next party in power, hopefully will get us out of the EU and save Billions, however we will see more pain as the Labour spending is gradually brought under control and it will take a good Tory government, like Maggie's, about 10 years this time to cure the ills caused by Brown.

  2. Gordon Brown inherited most of his problems from the bloke who used to live next door.

  3. All this kind of thing has happened time and time again. We've had a long period of economic growth and stability so people have forgotten that things go in cycles. There was a time when mortgage interest hit 15%, or when higher rate income tax was 90%, inflation in double digits. The stock market died, the house market collapsed. Strikes were an epidemic, or riots and burning cars, massive unemployment. Huge terrorist explosions. And all in the last 30 years. It will get better.

    I feel slightly sorry for Brown. He's wanted that job for so long. Then he gets it and it suddenly feels like the economy is in melt down. His government seems to have made some very poor decisions like the 10p tax thing and he isn't as charismatic as Blair. I mean, Blair was in charge when we went off to war on false information and he got away with it. Imagine how much money we would have if we weren't in Iraq?

    We do have the worlds most negative press. For example, take the whole knife crime thing. It actually lower than three years ago but the press would have us believe we're going to get butchered on the way to ASDA.

    So, how long until we see a change? Probably a couple of years.

    Better in the hands of a different party? Tricky. A lot of the current problems are international rather than British so I'm not sure what our government could actually do. And don't leave the country, its a fine place to live.

  4. If you were around during the short 'reign' of John Major, you'd recognise the signs.

    Gordon Brown was the all too keen successor to Tony Blair.  He thought he could step into Blair's shoes and just carry on as before - just like Major.

    Gordon Brown was not elected by the populous, but by his party.  We the people had no say in the matter.  That made him very unpopular from the start - no-one likes having something or someone foisted upon them!

    Then there were the Government's monumental f**k-ups over missing DVDs and CDs, lost driving licence details etc etc.  and now thousands of blank passports as well!!!

    Quite frankly, it's doubtful if GB  will go the distance, and almost certainly will not even last as long as JM.

    On top of this, the tide is turning and the people are fed up of an inept Govt. and useless PM.

    Gas prices - up.  Oil prices - up. Electricity prices - up. Taxes - up. Immigration - up. Less money available. Less options available, and a global financial meltdown.

    Gordon Brown is not popular, nor are 'New Labour'.

    A new Government is definitely on it's way. The only moderating influence is the doubtful pedigree of any other likely contenders in the race to No 10!!

  5. please don't go out to kill any liberals because thing will get much better after Obama become our next president .

  6. If Edinburgh is squandering money on a tram system, as you say, isn't this in the jurisdiction of the Scottish Executive?

    If this is the case, shouldn't you be angry with the SNP?

  7. "Its all G W B fault he is the devil incarnate"

    ignorance is bliss!

  8. Blair and Brown and the Labour Party changed the nature of politics in the U.K. undermining our democracy.

    When Maggie was in power and she had a re-shuffle heads would roll for people not doing a decent job...since Blair came to power government has become a club of "i won't sack you, if you don't stab me in the back...lets all enjoy the gravy train". To the great detriment of our democracy these people have been allowed to stay in power too long.

    The trams you talk of are typical of this style of politics, where politicians once elected presume they know what is best for the public, rather than having the proper public consultations before going ahead with projects. The fact is that the degradation of our society has been lead by New Labour.

  9. there are so many people to please so now days there are no such things as deliberate good intentions. the goverment is only doing what they think is good term investments, at whatever costs. GONE are the days people rode horses around these free world, doing what they want without passports. hmpf rather live in the so called 'dark ages'

  10. Labour is c**p as a whole. Nobody in that party has actually got a brain!

  11. Its all G W B fault he is the devil incarnate

    Well the truth hurts Guinea

  12. Forget about voting. I see from your post that you are one of the 20% of potential voters who look at issues and vote accordingly so your vote like mine will make no difference, 80% of the people who vote are actual dunces and cannot tell whats going on. It is these bulk voters that decide who gets to run the country. Thats why the country is never run well.

    EDIT: Lost passports and CDs have nothing to do with the PM. Blame the incopetent fools for that. Also hoping a NEW govt is going to be any better is rubbish. I have been studying them all. They just want more and more tax money to spend. They are just a bunch of fools. ALL

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