
Our seventeen year old daughter thinks she know everything and we don't. What can we do the change her mind.

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Our seventeen year old daughter thinks she know everything and we don't. What can we do the change her mind.




  1. wait until she 35 and thats how long it will take for her to realize she knows nothing trust me i thought i new everthing at that age

  2. I don't really have a good answer for you either.  If I remember, I was the same way. I am now 29 and have a just turned 10 year old daughter that thinks the same way.  My bet is that with most kids, teens, etc, they will eventually grow out of it.  Stay firm, thats how I had it.  Now that I am older I realize that I really didn't know it all and I still have alot to learn.

  3. aww..find a humble way to show her that you would appreciate her respect and obedience as her loving parents. Hm..have you heard of the story of the prodigal's son? A story in the Bible where the prodigal's son demanded money from his father and left the house.  The son realized that he couldn't live life on his own, and came running back to his father, and instead of being angry and establishing punishment, the father cried of happiness and forgiveness. maybe you could meditate on this story (Luke 15:11-32) and be enlightened to what choices you should make?

  4. Teenagers DO know everything, and it takes some of them years to calm down.

  5. being 21 and i'm now married and have a 2 year old, but dont let my life fool you now. I was out of control when i was 15 until the time i was 18. every child thinks they know everything. dont sweat it. just let her know that you were once a teenager when you thought you knew everything. when only to find out, there were so many things in life that you didn't know anything about. try and relate to her, think back to when you were a teenager and try to come up with the same answer she would. if she acts too old for her age...start putting some responsibilities on her. tell her if she thinks she knows everything and she thinks she's old enough to be a true adult and take on the world, make her get a job, start paying bills, her own phone bill create her own spending money etc. that's    the advice i would give my parents looking back. thats the only thing that would have changed my mind. i moved out when i was 17, and was so accustomed to living the high life and getting everything handed to me, that it was a kick in the butt when i realized, hey bills are a part of life and so is responsibility. before you know it, she will be coming to you for advice and start showing you the respect you deserve. good luck :)

  6. nothing, the only way to change her mind is to let her learn things the hard way. That's the way I did.

  7. Just be closer to her. Let me believe what she likes and don't try to control her.

  8. Nothing until she goes to college and learns that you actually have some worthwhile advice to give.  If you try to make her realize that, she'll think you're even more wrong.  Although chances are, she probably doesn't think that she knows everything, it more than likely just comes across that way.

  9. its their rebellious age , they will  grow out of it. Leave them alone.

  10. Just explain to her that your instincts are as on the money as your grammar.

  11. I guess it has been a while since you were a teen and knew everything.  Giver her day she will be like the rest of us and not know a freaking thing.

  12. You really can`t until she matures enough to see your point of view and advice. Sounds like a typical know it all teen that goes thru this phase of growing up.

  13. She is going to think that no matter what. Even if you try to talk to her about it, in her head she will be telling herself that you guys are absolutely wrong. Right now she probably feels as if she really does know everything because she hasn't experienced something that is totally new and difficult for her. Just let her mess up one good time and see how her perspectice changes, she won't be a "child" forever, she has to learn on her own sometimes.

  14. dunno

  15. let her expierence something that she wont know anything about.. try to test her with whatever she says she knows

  16. She's going to feel that way but she'll change her tune when something happens and she realizes that she knows absolutely nothing.

    It's whenever we as young people think we have it all figured out that we actually don't have a clue.

    She'll grow out of it.

  17. Her behavior is normal trust me. She's growing up and finding it hard to adjust. She has to make her own mistakes. You cannot control her.

    Had the same problem with my Son who is now 18 and a great man. Went through h**l with him for a couple of years where he did his own thing and would not listen or respect us. Give her as much respect as you can but at same time have ground rules.

    You wont change her mind by arguing. She will learn from life experience.

  18. you cant change her mind, but what you can do is share some of your teenage experiences with her, the good and the bad.

    let her learn that you were her age and you know how to be cool too.

  19. they all feel that way...

    they grow out of it...

  20. if u want to help her now!

    then buy 2 games of 20 questions but make her think u only bought then make a (family game night) and u and ur partner WITHOUT her knowing study them so you KNOW that u can win!!

    good luck!

    but if u dont win or she still thinks she smart its just a stage she'll pass it!

    hope i helped

  21. Nothing!  Haha!  The only thing that will change her mind is growing up, living in the world for a while, and then looking back and seeing that you actually knew what you were talking about.  There are some things that you can only learn through experience, and that's one of them: that your parents aren't as stupid as you thought.  I can't even count how many times I've said to myself, "Dang, my mom really WAS right about that after all!"  Your daughter will do the same thing one day.  In the meantime, just keep offering your guidance and advice, but don't take it personally if she doesn't listen.  One day she'll realize and appreciate your wisdom.

  22. LOL... If you knew the answer to this you would be very rich.

    Time is the only thing I can suggest.

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